Gillmor Gang LIVE recording session today at 1pm PT/4pm ET
Hellooooo Gillmor Gangers! Special appearance today coming up shortly at 1pm - Tina Chase Gillmor
We need to fix David Ossman's Wikipedia page: The man is beyond "notable" fergoshsakes. - Doc
And I need to fix my computer. Hold on.... - Doc
Unrelated: The great Jan Hooks died. Was at her greatest on the old Tush show on Channel 17 out of Atlanta, which became TBS. Jan and her writer sidekicks went on to SNL. - Doc
Anybody else here yet? - Doc
just me Doc.... Steve entering the studio in moments - Tina Chase Gillmor
Evening (Morning) all. - Darren James
Hi kids! - Francine Hardaway
Hi Francine - Darren James
Heya Francine. Been to any fun conferences lately? ;-) - Ian McGee
helloooooo. folks we're about to start - Tina Chase Gillmor
hahaha Ian - Francine Hardaway
Yay, made it for a live one for a change, instead of catching up with you in bed on a Sunday! ;) - Howard Moorey
Hello! - Nir Ben Yona
hello - Kevin Marks
I just came to say hello - Chris Hale
Hey Kevin, which IRC channel did you say you spend time in for indieweb? - Chris Hale
Hello :) - Simon Benvenutto
Bret blowing up Office: Introducing Quip Spreadsheets - clive boulton
Kevin Thanks for replying my comment on twitter. Good response - Jan Winter
#indiewebcamp - - Kevin Marks
Uuuuh, very laggy video in UK - Simon Benvenutto
@Simon Same here, looks a bit choppy. - Nir Ben Yona
Me too Simon..Audio good, but video feed no great - Darren James
we are talking about radio - Kevin Marks
Whats up Doc! I like Doc on the show. Will be a great show - Chris Hale
Ossman, Arrington, Gates (Bob) all my near neighbors - clive boulton
Kevin, are you on today? - Chris Hale
Now I have to remember what I wrote. "I was overheard to have said...." - Doc
Were the Goons on Radio 4 - clive boulton
they were but it was the home service then - Kevin Marks
"True or false: Dogs flew spceships The aztecs invented the vacation... If you answer false, then everything you know is wrong." - Doc
Nexus 6 said to launch this month - Da
Choppy video - Murray Macdonald
Mr. Unshaven Gillmor today. hmm - Tina Chase Gillmor
He's a repressed rock star :) - Simon Benvenutto
I also heard Android L will be coming out soon finally - Chris Hale
does anyone here know the Goon Show? - Kevin Marks
HTC released a lot of very interesting products this week as well. - Chris Hale
Video is solid here - Tina Chase Gillmor
Python definitely drew on the Goons - Kevin Marks
Android L looks very cool. Includes Beacon advertising APIs - Murray Macdonald
Unshaven Steve going for Bruce Springsteen look (or Bruce Willis yippee ki yay) - clive boulton
That is good to hear. Did yall hear about that company in NY that got negative press about putting bluetooth beacons in like 500 spots in NYC phone booths - Chris Hale
It wasn't a company, it was a dept of the city. - Murray Macdonald
did "I'm Sorry I haven't A Clue" and "Just a Minute" make it to the US ever? - Kevin Marks
Video here is choppy now and then; checked 2 computers - Ian McGee
"My brain hurts" - Murray Macdonald
My mom/mum had the Goons on doing the ironing. - clive boulton
i read it was a company because it was supposed to bring up targeted advertisements about some festival in NYC - Chris Hale
those were the days - Tina Chase Gillmor
"have a portrait of Queen Victoria" - Kevin Marks
Beacons don't bring up anything. You require an app that does things because of beacons. - Murray Macdonald
Kevin: I listened live to the last year 1960, I was 14 then. - Scott Jordan
0 in 1960, I must have listened to Goons repeats - clive boulton It was a company called Titan. - Chris Hale
Michael Bentine's Potty Time? The Goodies? - Kevin Marks
The beacons, which were approved by NYC's Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DoITT), were supposedly placed purely for "maintenance purposes only." - Murray Macdonald
The Goodies :) - clive boulton
#Murray, I am with you but it bothers me how they tried to portray this as some sort of invasion of privacy - Chris Hale
Sorta remember Michael Bentine's Potty Time. - clive boulton
People don't understand beacons. All the same could be true of wifi. - Murray Macdonald
The cat want in the studio. I think she knows that David Ossman is on - Tina Chase Gillmor
Carol Burnett ruled. Still does. - Murray Macdonald
I agree. I just think the bluetooth siig needs to do a better job of trying to socialize this technology platform and its benefit. I think it is a super beneficial tech but what i think and believe is inconsequential as compared to public opinion and public perception. Technologies can fail if they fail to socialize it well. - Chris Hale
not enough beacon deployments, thus folks are leery. No one cares that they put on their Facebook these days - Da
I think they should make scoble the poster child for Beacons. He has been a great pioneer for these types of technologies - Chris Hale
I just broke the set - Tina Chase Gillmor
Beacons are so over hyped and misrepresented. What is really missing is a standard for client software. - Murray Macdonald
My biggest memory of radio was listening with my father to "Journey into Space" ran form 53 to 58 , Science fiction program produced by Charles Chilton - Scott Jordan
broke the 2nd wall, tina? - Kevin Marks
I think radio in its various forms is underestimated, I mean surely the original social media was CB radio! - Simon Benvenutto
Did yall see the announcment of the new Tesla this week? It is supposed to beat a Ferrari - Chris Hale
WaPo says podcasts are a booming business - Kevin Marks
So did the corvette. - Murray Macdonald
many of my colleagues knew Python sketches by heart from the records - Kevin Marks
well the old version of the tesla smoked vettes - Chris Hale
I have seen youtube videos of it - Chris Hale
Firesign brought surreality to '60s/'70s counterculture. - Doc
Because WBCN played Firesign, I'm sure. - Doc
Where Cosby was merely funny, and one guy deep. Firesign was amazing at many levels, and at least four guys, and many characters, deep. You could hear new shit every time you listened. - Doc
Quality radio has to return. No time to sit and watch TV (interspersed with non-relevant ads). - clive boulton
Does anyone (other than when watching live sports) watch TV commercials? - Murray Macdonald
War of the worlds did it all live. - Murray Macdonald
ooooh, Detroit. My hometown - Tina Chase Gillmor
Frequency of TV commercials makes them unavoidable (make dinner, TV on in background) - clive boulton
Hate to be that guy but radio is kinda boring to me - Chris Hale
I don't listen to radio in cars I listen to podcasts made by radio stations - Kevin Marks
Podcasts in cars & around the house here too. But plenty of radio and radio-like sources. - Ian McGee
Podcasts on soundcloud (a16z channel is quite good) - clive boulton
Radio transmission is pointless. All I want is bluetooth audio in my car. Many smartphones can receive FM radio and send to BT. - Murray Macdonald
There are still places where radio survives, my brother-in-law runs an FM station from his back garden, pumps out 100W, all local towns use same frequency, as you drive down the highway the receiver just fades in the station you are driving towards :) - Simon Benvenutto
did y'all see the BBc Music "god only knows" ? - Kevin Marks
KING rado in seattle, david's talking bout. - Doc
Kevin: Not as good as the original :-) - Scott Jordan
I wouldnt mind a tech centric radio show - Chris Hale
BBC Music God Only Knows: - Kevin Marks
I never listen to radio anymore. Only podcasts and Spotify. I can't believe people still do listen - Francine Hardaway
or a radio show that is targetted a little closer to a persons personal interests - Chris Hale
Chris Hale, it's kinda boring to me, too - Francine Hardaway
Radio killed itself. It died to the cassette tape. - Murray Macdonald
Video killed the radio star. Hehe - Chris Hale
sorry, saw the chance. Had to take it - Chris Hale
Curation can be a draw, but I'm using virtually all async listening/viewing. Even Gillmor Gang is 70% offline for me. - Ian McGee
David may be talking about seattle classic jazz - clive boulton
Doc, can you speak to the issue of sports radio? For example, I could listen to SF Giants playoff on radio KNBR, but couldn't stream it. New model would be in greater control ie., $ making. - christina sponselli
BBC Radio 4 Today program ( UK 6am - 9am ) is a must for current affairs - Scott Jordan
I listen to NPR radio station. Period. - Alex de Soto
SomaFM, WEFunk and RadioSwissJazz get my attention. - Murray Macdonald
BBC radio is much better than American radio. Even NPR bores me lately - Francine Hardaway
Whoever invented "shuffle" started the whole mess. - Alex de Soto
Digital "shuffle" was introduced on the Linn LM1 drum machine ala Roger Linn. He moved every second beat forward/backward. - Murray Macdonald
I have removed iTunes and quicktime from every computer I own, except one mac. Eliminated 50% of my reboots. VLC is more stable. - Murray Macdonald
Go Motown! - Tina Chase Gillmor
Why doesnt the GG have a discussion about the online music services like rdio, beats, spotify, etc - Chris Hale
Chris - OK. Discuss - Tina Chase Gillmor
SoundCloud rocks. Tons of musicians publish directly to soundcloud. - Murray Macdonald
Ok. Which online services do people use and why do they love it as compared to the competition - Chris Hale
SoundCloud, or SomaFM, etc... - Murray Macdonald
Party tape - Tina Chase Gillmor playlists soundcloud + youtube - clive boulton
I had an idea at one point to come up with a bluetooth beacon or location based algorithm that would automagically change the djing in a public place based on the makeup of people who are nearby that have that service. - Chris Hale
my son buys vinyl despite not being able to play it - Kevin Marks
similar vinyl interest from my 15 year old, and she has no deck either - Simon Benvenutto
Kevin - Urban Outfitters sells a cute record player. my Ella has one - Tina Chase Gillmor
I keep hearing the new gen of record players are really top notch as compared to old school record players. - Chris Hale
but that is a hobby I havent had a chance to get into. - Chris Hale
Here's Andrew - and - Kevin Marks
buys Vinyl for the art? - clive boulton
I was looking wistfully at my collection of hundreds of open reel and cassette tapes in Santa Barbara last week... No time to deal with it all... - Doc
nothing wrong with buying vinyl for the art. Its hard to predict the kind of artsy things people like to collect - Chris Hale
Are these guys just old? - Francine Hardaway
I submit that Kevin is still in his Silicon Valley backyard. Looks no different. - Doc
what are the green fruits on those trees behind you , Kev? - Doc
Oranges, doc - Kevin Marks
KUOW and KPLU. - Doc
That's what soap operas did - Francine Hardaway
I loved listening to tapes of the CBS Radio Mystery Theater. - Alex de Soto
Oranges in london? - Doc
I was joking about London, I'm in San Jose - Kevin Marks
BBC Voice - Kevin Marks
But we have that now with the interent - Tina Chase Gillmor
internet - Tina Chase Gillmor
KZSU is generally a leave on all day in the background (esp if you enjoy SU sports) - clive boulton
Still having very choppy transmission - Francine Hardaway
every city in germany has an opera station - Kevin Marks
Francine are you on Comcast, they changed something with latency. I had to get a docsis 3.0 modem. - clive boulton
No, I'm on Cox - Francine Hardaway
Francine: Same problem here in the UK - Scott Jordan
damn. now I'm laggy - clive boulton
Video choppy in UK whole program, audio fine apart from 2 sec cutout, I swear I nearly heard notifications mention before the white noise kicked in :) - Simon Benvenutto
Comcast didn't like my comment. I'm kicked - clive boulton
Just had a big video reset & restart from a few seconds earlier. Very similar to the latest Apple stream..Docsis 3.0 modem here too. ;-) - Ian McGee
anybody have thoughts of the future radio in cars? How long before your deck in your dash is 100% internet connected. - Chris Hale
I know some cars like audi's that are internet connected. - Chris Hale
Can't watch this live (dublin, ireland) it's like Apples recent launch ... Freezes ... Will watch replay .. - David Malone
back, had to reboot mac 10.9.5 - clive boulton
loved Kenny Everett - real whacky, and fast! - Howard Moorey
Sorry David M and Simon. Not sure why you're getting choppy video. Please catch the edited release - Tina Chase Gillmor
John Leonard did nightsounds. - Doc
Good connection here in the Cotswolds - very little lag - Howard Moorey
mid 80's - Tina Chase Gillmor
I recall Kenny Everett, but remember Benny Hill, Sid James and the Carry on gang - clive boulton
That was REAL comedy Clive! - Howard Moorey
Also in Seattle: KESP. Music. Good. - Doc
Thanks Tina. I always watch on Sunday morning ... Just thought the live show would be worth a shot ... - David Malone
REAL comedy but too saucy for today's PC (Satay Nadella foot in mouth ness) - clive boulton
hi David, I usually do the same - glad I caught this one live ;) - Howard Moorey
I wrote about twitter this week - Kevin Marks
David M. - Glad we can be part of your Sundays - Tina Chase Gillmor
Yeah, Nadella, he used to work at Microsoft didn't he? - Howard Moorey
Haha, just logged into twitter to go follow Doc S. and lo and behold after i logged in, it suggested I follow him. - Chris Hale
Howard... funny - Tina Chase Gillmor
Check out the OccuLounge -- ... good example of something trying something new. Live jazz/tech remix with a live saxophonist. - Rob Underwood
Twitter free speech hate wing. Needs a viz graph to show haters. Moritz Stefaner's code needs refactoring for the current twitter API. - clive boulton
Howard: Nadella went for the fast PR recovery. - clive boulton
G3 in the bag for this week Tina? I'll have to watch that on Sunday instead ;) - Howard Moorey
Will yall be bringing back Benedict E soon? - Chris Hale
I get "Didn't you used to be funny?" - Doc
Link to my piece on Nadella - Francine Hardaway
Needed to Clive - his comments were suicidal! - Howard Moorey
Derek and Clive? - Kevin Marks
BTW, this episode is an all time classic. Just fantastic to have these perspectives. - Rob Underwood
"How can you be in two places at once when you're not anywhere at all!" - Alex de Soto
Yes, Kevin. Of audio. - Francine Hardaway
Be interesting or be funny? Are those the only two options Doc? I'd rather just be awesome - Chris Hale
Agreed Rob - great show - Howard Moorey
Howard.. yes recorded yesterday... before everything happened ;-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
Good show , nice change from Technology/Web, till next time good night folks - Scott Jordan
Thanks for the reminder about Kenny Everett, quite a few youtube clips, I'm having a laugh... - Simon Benvenutto
Francines top 10 for your daughters (scroll down): - clive boulton
Yes shame on that Tina, I imagine you would have castrated him live on the show! ;) - Howard Moorey
I remember that - Francine Hardaway
Have a great weekend guys and gals. - Chris Hale
That was abrupt - Francine Hardaway
Hey, 10am Pacific on a Saturday we're usually pretty busy here in the UK ;) - Howard Moorey
bye, thanks guys! - Howard Moorey
you can wait until after Doctor Who to listen - Kevin Marks