The word 'surrogate', in context of carrying another's child, doesn't translate well. Rental belly appears universal (& more fun to say!).
Eh...rental belly just seem so wrong to me, LOL!! - #cryptic
American political correctness, evidently. "say it like it is" (this coming from a Brazilian who thinks it's a great idea. I'm a little concerned at how he sized up his wife after the conversation, tho) - Jess
I can see it now: "Hey wife, I think, to bring our next child into the world, we should rent a belly". What do you think? - #cryptic
I can see the ads in the Thrifty Nickel now: "WANTED: Rental belly. Must not smoke - anything. Nine-month commitment." - Jandy
Is the "customer" called "Womb raider"? - Jemm
Okay, ha ha. Yes, I opened this up, but as a reminder, I'm womb renter myself. Just had difficulty explaining it to someone as 'surrogate' was lost in translation. - Jess
Heh, no disrespect meant. The term was just funny. - Jandy
No harm meant here either. :D - #cryptic
What Jandy and Numomoon said ^^ - Jemm
It IS a funny term, I like it because it's less clinical. I just didn't want to go down the path of comparing myself to a woman who slices up pregnant women to 'raid' their bellies of babies. - Jess