Gillmor Gang Thursday 10.30.14 LIVE recording at 9am PT/12pm ET
Hello Gillmor Gangers! - Tina Chase Gillmor
I'm barely up. Did someone win the World Series last night? :-) - Robert Scoble
morning - Kevin Marks
Yo. - J.C. Bouvier
so john and steve are across the road from scoble? - Kevin Marks
Yeah. - Robert Scoble
FB FY 15 CapEx anyone? - J.C. Bouvier
yay - Keith Teare
@Robert? if you had to pick only one newsreader app today, which would you pick? - J.C. Bouvier
Flipboard is adding 250K users a day? - J.C. Bouvier
what are the world series? - Jan Winter
I'm w/you Keith...I love the fear, and I think Flipboard's biggest problem is getting me to trust I'm not going to miss something...I shouldn't have to feel like I'm making a leap of faith when I use it. - J.C. Bouvier
can we get the TechCrunch show link into chat? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Right below my Friendfeed Feed is the interview with Scoble's cofounders! - John Taschek
Apple totally missed the boat on's a bummer...I thought for sure they would release an magazine authoring tool and much better subscription integration...instead we got iBooks...I did notice they have included an ePub export from the new Pages now...maybe it's coming on that roadmap... - J.C. Bouvier
Hello gents... - Patrick Culleton
twitter lists aggregated via works fine for me - Jan Winter
dog photos is about all I post to facebook - Kevin Marks
I agree with Robert. I followed his instruction about FB lists.. and yes my feed became a lot better... - Patrick Culleton
+1 @Kevin Marks - Frank Paynter
Yep; lists work for Facebook. Would be interesting to see/change the +/- controls directly on each list but I'll leave it to Facebook to tune for now - Ian McGee
I agree with Kevin - when I read news, I read for highly accessible content and depth plus a bunch of scanning-type articles. Curation can potentially work against how I work -- Curation used to be for me, leisurely Sunday reading and for airplanes. - John Taschek
J.C. I would choose Flipboard because it brings nearly everything in (except for Ello). - Robert Scoble
Gotcha, tx Robert. - J.C. Bouvier
hyper-personalized culture means less flexible thinking. Surrounding yourself with others who think like you (your friends) and elevating that collective voice means less growth & learning. - Ann Greenberg
<3 cents per user - Jan Winter
What does the "gang" think of MS' move to release apps and tech that runs on all three OS platforms? - Patrick Culleton
RE: Kramer: ha ha...I haven't listened to their earnings call...but I will now...from an SMB online buyer perspective, and I've spent ~ $350K in Facebook - the ad tool/unit is still too complicated - and frankly the burn rate for dollars against that unit is too costly...I think I burned through $5k in side of half a day...they need a lower cost ad unit that produces a better ROI for the SMB...I don't think they can make FB money on programmatic/brand buyers alone, who will soon become skeptical of the unit value. - J.C. Bouvier
Any views on ads in your Instagram feed starting now ? - Patrick Culleton
iPhone 6+ eating the iPad - Kevin Marks
Patrick: that's smart. - Robert Scoble
But I don't know that it will matter. Will an iOS developer switch from Apple's tools to Microsoft's? I doubt it. - Robert Scoble
Google is doing a great job of getting it's users to do it's OCR for it: their Captchas are now streetview address numbers. - Simon Tennant
Mobile eating the world - - John Taschek
Who would know when you are banned everywhere in Dave Winers World...:( - Tony Stanislawski
I'm blocked by Winer on twitter too - Kevin Marks
I feel better Thanks Kevin..nice being in good company! - Tony Stanislawski
Dave pushes his articles out through social channels as well; Facebook, Twitter etc. - Ian McGee
sounds like you guys need a support group ;-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
Ha ha. - J.C. Bouvier
I have no respect for him anymore with his ban hammer! He was a great one, who is now a has been - Tony Stanislawski
He unblocked me, but it cost him. - Robert Scoble
I'm w/you Steve, I think Facebook is doing it... - J.C. Bouvier
I think has a coherent way to combine the different post types and share them out too - Kevin Marks
apparently Steve and John do not share a room. Good to know ;-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
just trying to make you guys laugh a little - Tina Chase Gillmor
manipulative directing ;-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
LOL. One day I was interacting with him on both Facebook and Twitter, the next day I was banned. - Tony Stanislawski
getting stream dropouts here - Kevin Marks
and why? - Tina Chase Gillmor
finally get to join again... freaking hectic with my startup - Jerry Schuman
lost you - Kevin Marks
Was some talk about Facebook wanting to push publishers to post their content directly to Facebook hosted pages w/Facebook revenue sharing w/those that do...anyone catch that one? Saw it in the NYTimes I think... - J.C. Bouvier
bummed I couldn't get out to Half Moon Bay Ritz while I was up there so I could get Robert toasted. - Jerry Schuman
call dropped - Kevin Marks
Dave Winer 3.0 - Jerry Schuman
his next announcement will be he's bringing back an outliner based on Instagram - Jerry Schuman
sorry.. had to be snarky about Dave - Jerry Schuman
Heyyyy, it's not Friday! Glad I found you today. It kinda feels like Friday - Laura Norvig
Jerry: you should come over. Gonna be a couple of weeks before I'm back at Ritz after lunch today, though. - Robert Scoble
had to fly back to LA this morning... we were just up for a Siemens venture event for my company PingThings - Jerry Schuman
Next time though... I'll be back up at some point in the near future - Jerry Schuman
ok John - Tina Chase Gillmor
Steve - John waved off - Tina Chase Gillmor
Nice.. headphones that give you scalp massages - Jerry Schuman
I'm off - Kevin Marks
how is the outside leakage... ie... I listen really loud music... will my seat mate on a plane get pissed? - Jerry Schuman
Jerry: not bad. - Robert Scoble
I'll have to go check those out.... it's the one feature that they really don't talk about. - Jerry Schuman
Nice to catch you guys...have a great weekend... - J.C. Bouvier
Thanks everyone! - Robert Scoble
Good show - Ian McGee
Glad to see and chat with everyone again... been awhile for me - Jerry Schuman
Steve and his self deprecation.... - Jerry Schuman
Thanks for another good show... - Frank Paynter
Hi Tina... bye Tina... hope you're all doing well. - Jerry Schuman
Dog Photos! Srsly Kevin nailed Facebook Big Blue for the majority. - clive boulton