Researchers from the US and Israel have identified the first-ever example of a creature capable of editing its own genetic makeup in order to blend into its surroundings – the squid. -
Reporting in a recent edition of the journal eLife, Dr. Eli Eisenberg of the Tel Aviv University Department of Physics and Sagol School of Neuroscience and his colleagues explained that the Doryteuthis pealieii squid can alter most of its own proteins on an as-needed basis. - Halil
:o - Halil
I wonder if this will help understand and potentially help create treatment for prion based diseases? - Halil
Huh. That would be pretty amazing - I admit, I find prion diseases to be some of the most frightening. - Jennifer Dittrich
Prions are the stuff of nightmares, they are scary and rightly so! - Halil
ah ha: "This species (ie the squid in this study) is a model organism in neuroscience and was used by Andrew Huxley and Alan Hodgkin in their studies on axons." I've met Andrew Huxley, he was an interesting guy, very nice bloke. - Halil