What ISIS Really Wants - The Atlantic - http://www.theatlantic.com/feature...
"The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it." - Todd Hoff
Very interesting! - Eivind
I still think like the situation with Israel I'll never really understand all this. There's just too much outside my tiny sphere of experience. - Todd Hoff
I'm currently wading through a tome to acquire more background, but, yeah, I'm far from the orientalist authority on all things Middle East - Eivind
Isn't it a bit like trying to understand love by reading about it? - Todd Hoff
More like marriage, perhaps. - Eivind
Where each has their own story of what the marriage is like. The kids have their own story. So does the dog. Even the gold fish swimming in circles in their tank have their own version of the story. - Todd Hoff
Yes, a book about the history and different cultural implementations and understandings of marriage would not give me a complete understanding of how everyone who's ever been in contact with the phenomenon experienced it. - Eivind
That was deep. - Brian Johns
As deep as the fish bowl, the dogs water dish and the agape love between Isaac and Ishmael. - Eric Logan
See this: [What The Atlantic Gets Dangerously Wrong About ISIS And Islam http://thinkprogress.org/world...] - Sean McBride
I look forward to the next article: What ThinkProgress Gets Dangerously Wrong About The Atlantic - Todd Hoff