In 1960s London World Führer Colin Johnson And "Colored" Immigrants Rocked British Politics -
Mar 6, 2015
"Colin Jordan was a stalwart of British fascism during its post-war doldrums, and over the following decades he was involved in most of the right-wing parties that subsequently emerged and dissolved."
- Mark H
"When he married, it was not a traditional C of E job. Jesus, in Jordan’s view, was ‘the counterfeit Christ of the Christians’. Jordan was literally a Hitler-worshipper, declaring Der Führer a ‘messiah” and a ‘saviour’. He married the fiancé of fellow Hitlerite John Tyndal while he was in prison, leading to a falling out between the two men. Françoise Dior, was Christian Dior’s niece, and a die-hard national socialist herself. The marriage ceremony involved mingling their Aryan blood over a copy of Mein Kampf."
- Mark H
Holy crap.
- Spidra Webster
Back when "I'm not racist, but..." was pronounced "I'm racist, and..."
- Eivind
- MoTO Boychick Devil