What is this I don't even http://friendfeed.com/p01yn0n...
April Russo (FForever!),
Stephen Mack,
Brent Schaus,
Eric @ CS Techcast,
Big Joe Silenced,
OCoG of FF, Jimminy,
liked this
Oh jeez. You're better off not knowing.
- Akiva
i agree with Akiva this time.
- Big Joe Silenced
Yeah, and it's been around a loong time.
- Micah
Joe, that's unsanitary. Don't do that again!
- Akiva
How did you even end up there?
- OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Good old Poly.
- Stephen Mack
I blocked that account... I don't remember why.
- Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
Cos he shut down FF via DDOS in a pique when his original account was removed for spamming? (Or so he claimed.)
- Stephen Mack
Didn't he also claimed that the broken search function was proof that his account had been deleted, or something?
- bentley
If I remember right, he thought that the broken search showing no results for whatever his issue was (something to do with Anonymous, maybe?) meant that he was being censored. But actually, search was just broken and not showing any results because it was broken.
- Rochelle
Oh, he hates me...lol One of the very few people I had to block, and the reason I took my account private
- April Russo (FForever!)
Had to block him on twitter too.
- April Russo (FForever!)