This is where I am:
If you see a joffi or joffi222, with J capitalized or lower case, around the web, it is me (unless it is an obscure German company). G+ (scroll down to links) has a list of current and defunct web service accounts. GVoice number is 231.335.7696 - Michael W. May
Facebook is probably the most used, other than FFeed. However, thus far I've mostly used irit for family stuffs. I need to figure out how to use FB lists like I want them to be used; probably an impossibility. - Michael W. May
Michael, if it helps, you can unfollow folks from your main FB feed but they will remain in a smart list or custom list. Or you can not place them into any list and unfollow them, and they just float in the ethers of your FB friends until you assign them a place. I'm also a fan of using the Acquaintances list to put people I don't want to unfriend but I don't want to see all their posts. - Corinne L