20 Questions I Have For People Who Were In Their 20s Before Cell Phones & Internet - http://forevertwentysomethings.com/2015...
LOL Sit right back and you'll hear a tale.... - Spidra Webster
This person's never heard of typewriters? (" Did you manually write cover letters? ") Or telephones? ("Did you have to like, physically GO to the gym and sign up by writing your name") - bentley
is this person joking or are they stupid? EDIT: perhaps the use of "you’re" where "your" should've been is possibly a clue. - Big Joe Silenced
has this person never read any books/watched any films or television from before 1996? - Big Joe Silenced
became an obvious wind-up toward the end. still, i've met more than a few real people like this. weep for the future, people. weep. - Big Joe Silenced