Yes, Virginia, A Lot of Wall Streeters Support the Volcker Rule - MarketBeat - WSJ -
"Turns out the recent anti-reform push by lobbyists from a handful of Wall Street’s biggest firms isn’t just out of step with Washington’s newly populist tone. In key respects, it also doesn’t jibe with the views of hundreds of the financial industry’s own most-experienced professionals." - Christopher Chung
"That’s the message of recent poll results from the CFA Institute, which offers the chartered financial analyst designation, one of the most valued credentials for individuals to hold on Wall Street, including people in every role and sub-specialty within the industry. The institute asked more than 1,400 of its members a few simple questions about reform. In response to the poll’s most specific question, 68% of respondents expressed support for separating proprietary trading from commercial-banking activity." - Christopher Chung