#SaturdayFF It's been Sunday for nearly three hours but I'm trying to acclimatise myself to staying up until stupid o'clock in the morning tomorrow to watch the Patriots beat the Seahawks. I have very heavy eyelids.
Steven Perez,
Ell Bee, See?,
Anne Bouey,
Stephan Planken,
John (bird whisperer),
Mike Nencetti,
Stephen Mack,
Brent Schaus,
Jenny H.,
Spidra Webster,
Meg VMeg
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You're staying up late to cry when the Seahawks beat the Patriots.
- Kristin
Crying is for ladyboys. Or Akiva, as I believe you people call them over there.
- Mark H
I think Geppetto would have to make him a real boy first.
- Kristin