GIllmor Gang, recording live today 1pm PT participate at
hi there - Ludwig Ederle
Greetings - John Taschek
im here - Francine Hardaway
cool,john is back - Ludwig Ederle
Good to see you here Ludwig! - John Taschek
Waiting to talk about geeky stuff again. Always fun. - Robert Scoble
hello all - Kevin Marks
Is anyone going to see Spiderman? - John Taschek
hello folks! - Tina Chase Gillmor
onboarding - Tina Chase Gillmor
We can all check in on Swarm :) - John Taschek
Good afternoon. John: no, Bambi Francisco is coming here for beautiful Half Moon Bay and some wine. Last Friday we had six winemakers drinking with us. What will happen tonight? Who knows? - Robert Scoble
John, please take me to see Spiderman - Tina Chase Gillmor
How's Bambi's company doing? - John Taschek
OK - can Steve watch the family? - John Taschek
Scoble, I need some good wine. Maybe I'll see you later. - Tina Chase Gillmor
Yes, Robert - save some. Sharing is Caring! - John Taschek
steve will invoke his Spidey sense - Tina Chase Gillmor
Missing all the good times - Francine Hardaway
can someone post the tech crunch or ustream show link for tweeting please - Tina Chase Gillmor
hello, doesn't look like usual though, all black instead of window shade or test pattern? - Jerome Hughes
Oh good! John T. is taking me to see Spiderman! - Tina Chase Gillmor
Glass Onion - Moe Glitz
"twitter is dead" is the new "blogging is dead" - Kevin Marks
John B has a new thumb mic - Tina Chase Gillmor
he's talking into his Dick Tracy wristwatch - Kevin Marks
I bought Twitter stock yesterday - Francine Hardaway
is that net? they've always had a high churn - Kevin Marks
Twitter should be your Lifestyle Ticker Stream. But it ain't for most people - Moe Glitz
comcast? that would kill them - Kevin Marks
Comcast? Oh noes... - Francine Hardaway
I have gotten my news from Twitter since 2006 - Francine Hardaway
Twitter's market cap is about $22 billion. What's App was sold for $19 billion. - Robert Scoble
Same here Francine. Twitter killed Google News - Moe Glitz
When will it get cheap enough that Google or Apple will buy Twitter? - Robert Scoble
Ina Fried on Twitter 27m ago: "Apple has scooped up LuxVue, a Santa Clara, Calif.-based startup working on low-power LED technology.' - Alex de Soto
Twitter is the Peoples' News Network - Tina Chase Gillmor
Very true Robert. Google really needs to buy Twitter - Moe Glitz
Hiya :-) - Ian Waring
we did presidential debate hackling in irc in 2004: - Kevin Marks
Thank you to John for a copy of the Shareholder Book - lovely read! - Ian Waring
they need to stop breaking DMs - Kevin Marks
it does if you click discover - Kevin Marks
yeah, my DMs are touch and go. - clive boulton
Try Discovery link, Robert. - christina sponselli
"Crazed streams" - clive boulton
Just need to update Aaron S's Twitter Convo page that Kevin recommended - just needs new API fix - Ian Waring
That would make Twitter the ultimate "listen to any of these named folks around any water cooler convo they interact with". Pure gold! - Ian Waring
Twitter needs to be unbundled into 4 Multiplex Apps. If they don't then the door is open for someone else to win big - Moe Glitz
I stumble into great pmarca interactions early in the UK morning by chance - Ian Waring
pmarca blocked me on twitter so I have to read him on facebook - Kevin Marks
@Kevin - Why? - Nir Ben Yona
I hate when the Twitter and G+ notifications bust into my music listening. End up having to turn on "Do Not Disturb" and "Mute On" when I'm listening to music. - Alex de Soto
here's the show link on TC - Tina Chase Gillmor
'cos I was complaining about VCs not funding women - Kevin Marks
Social is maturing & turning the corner. - christina sponselli
Interesting. - Nir Ben Yona
Hearing Goog's srsly going mobile first. Training "a few" engineers on Android. - clive boulton
Tweetbot lists in different columns are the best I can do - Tom Guarriello
Most influential women in Bay Area: Just out - - John Taschek
Robert S -- do you curate and prune who your follow on Twitter like you do on Facebook? Also, I'm guessing you are not subject to the 2001 follower limit like most of us are... that, in a way, is a good thing because it forces a prune and I find because of it my Twitter feed much more useful than my Facebook feed. - Rob Underwood
Rob: yes I do. - Robert Scoble
got it, ok. - Rob Underwood
Facebook is FAR superior in my experience but then I've put the time into Facebook to train my feed. - Robert Scoble
I follow >4000 people on twitter so I'm partway to robert but I have a smaller filter on my phone/tablet - Kevin Marks
I am at the 2000 limit since I only have 1050 followers or so. So every time I want to follow someone new I need to cut someone else. Frustrating a bit, but it keep my feed focused. - Rob Underwood
Bret Taylor's vision for shifting mobile multitasking back to the users control I prefer to deep linking - clive boulton
I only follow about 1650 people on Twitter -- mostly journos and friends. I have a great tweetstream - Francine Hardaway
Francine: I have many lists on Twitter. They are OK but still VERY noisy. - Robert Scoble
(Fewer than 800 people on each list) - Robert Scoble
they want to rout the net - Kevin Marks
I need to do a fuller post on this - Kevin Marks
Keep in mind I personally like the noise, but I'm a news junkie (and so are you). Normal people? Not so much. Just want to see a few good things. - Robert Scoble
And I +TOTALLY+ disagree with Kevin about not wanting to see stuff from family and friends. - Robert Scoble
I'm a news junkie but I don't want my stream moving so fast that I can't follow it, like yours does Robert - Francine Hardaway
you're missing what I meant, robert. - Kevin Marks
Francine: my real feed (notifications) moves a LOT slower because I only have 60 people on that. - Robert Scoble
it's that you want some of that, but fb has blown up to too many people it would be rude to unfriend - Kevin Marks
they want to Microsoft not Yahoo - Kevin Marks
There are LOTS of ways to unfollow without unfriending. covers them. - Robert Scoble
Too much tweet noise, information is not consumable / actionable - clive boulton
Kevin, you need to limit the number of people who show in your newsfeed - Francine Hardaway
Mobile crossed desktop last year. Now more mobile use - Francine Hardaway
the sun is setting in the lower west side of Manhattan according to John B's light ;-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
I don't mind fb being more for family, I just find twitter better fro things in general - Kevin Marks
Kevin: I used to agree with you. No longer. - Robert Scoble
Move Fast and Break The Web - Kevin Marks
Kevin: here is a Facebook list of Tech News. It's FAR better than same on Twitter. - Robert Scoble
Would love to see a little slider with "show me more" / "show me fewer" items from this Twitter account. - Alex de Soto
Yet even Facebook is FAR from perfect. - Robert Scoble
like on G+, Alex? - Kevin Marks
Francine, shouldn't the missing algorithm limit number of people in newsfeed - clive boulton
That's not a product focused company, it's a customer focuses company - Francine Hardaway
Right Kevin. Maybe... - Alex de Soto
too many knobs to set - Kevin Marks
feel the love -> smell the glove - Jerome Hughes
Maybe, Clive. - Francine Hardaway
Facebook will probably buy Stripe. - Nir Ben Yona
I don't put anything on the internet that I don't want to see in the NYTimes or Valleywag - Francine Hardaway
I would like to have some tweak controls over my twitter news feed, not limiting viewers - clive boulton
Certainly well above govt - my post earlier today: Data Sharing: Who do you trust? - Ian Waring
and on youtube? - Kevin Marks
G+ is login credentials... - Ian Waring
My thread about this on G+ drew many Google + engineers assuring me it wasn't going away. But what do they know - Francine Hardaway
G+ has about 7.5 million daily active users. - Nir Ben Yona
I believe the people who think Hangouts and Photos will survive and the social network feed will go - Francine Hardaway
Re G+:Danny Crichton wrote an interesting former insider POV here: - Alex de Soto
the "I was at google for 6 weeks" one? - Kevin Marks
That's what Google is: plumbing. BTW the guy who wrote that TC post was just an intern for a summer. Hardly an insider - Francine Hardaway
if you are signed in to Google and you post a video to YouTube, does that constitute using Google +? - Matt Terenzio
Top HOA engineer bailed ahead of Vic - clive boulton
Hangout bundle stuff - i want to text my wife to say i'm on my way, it sends her an invite to a hangout. Fail! - Ian Waring
That was an interesting piece, Alex - Tom Guarriello
A whole "3 months" Kevin! ;) - Alex de Soto
if you are signed in to Google and you post a video to YouTube, does that constitute using Google +? - Matt Terenzio
According to vendor I work with, Google+ doesn't have public API. Definitely doesn't help expose platform. - christina sponselli
yes, Vic crushed API efforts. That may change now - Kevin Marks
HOA group videos should be the killer business meeting use case, but isn't used by corporates. - clive boulton
secret sums itself up: - Kevin Marks
hey chat folks.... do we need to cover something else? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Vine trying to be YouTube of short videos, Tina? - christina sponselli
Sign Microsoft's changing is engineers flowing back to Redmond from FB/Goog - clive boulton
No, but I wish we had more info about the future of G+ - Francine Hardaway
Francine: his thinking matches what I've heard from other insiders. - Robert Scoble
Francine: I agree. I wish Googlewasn't so secretive. - Robert Scoble
Exactly. GOOG is the least customer-focused company of all. - Francine Hardaway
Francine:I have been through this before: with Reader. I knew two years before it was killed that it was killed internally. Google never makes these announcements. I'm sure the truth of it will continue leaking out. - Robert Scoble
There are rabid G+ engineers in my thread about Vic leaving -- all insisting G+ is fine. One of them is the head of product or something - Francine Hardaway
redaer was not so much killed as ignored internally - Kevin Marks
*reader - Kevin Marks
I still miss Reader. Tried to replace it with Digg, but not the same - Francine Hardaway
Feedly works quite nice. - Todd Hoff
+1 Todd - Tom Guarriello
Re topics, I was guessing there might be a quick discussion of Foursquare/Swarm. - Rob Underwood
Totally, Ian. I am always trying to send a text and the screen that invites people to a Hangout - Francine Hardaway
What role do those G+ people see it having in the real world, Francine? - Tom Guarriello
Tom, the conversation didn't go there - Francine Hardaway
Gotcha, Francine. Have you tried Feedly? - Tom Guarriello
I'm just biding my time in the GOOG ecosystem until the new iPhone. I'm done with Glass, so I no longer need my Nexus 5 - Francine Hardaway
Big G is defragging more than meets the eye. - clive boulton
I have tried Feedly - Francine Hardaway
Flipboard has killed RSS readers for me. Oh, wait, it's a reader too. - Robert Scoble
Speaking of NewTek: Tim's Vermeer movie, about the NewTek/Tricaster founder's quest to figure out how the Dutch artist created such incredible paintings - dan farber
We've had the FLipboard convo too many times, Robert - Francine Hardaway
I really really really like Zite and hope Flipboard won't ruin it - Rob Underwood
Thank you Tina! - Alex de Soto
Francine: and Flipboard keeps getting better, too. - Robert Scoble
Thanks Tina - Francine Hardaway
OK Robert, I'll try it again - Francine Hardaway
Jesus, Steve - Francine Hardaway
If the show ever goes off air, pls soundcloud the Gillmor Gang tune - clive boulton
great.... - Qasir Z Khan