Fitbit Charge, Charge HR & Surge: Welcome to a Whole New World of Fitness -
Hmm. I am intrigued by the Charge HR... - Laura
Tough choice! - Stephen Mack
imo without a gps, it's not that useful unless you never run outside. - ؛ patrick
My Force needs to go. Thinking I'll take advantage of the trade in/recall. - The Other Yvonne
Not a tough choice for patrick then. Surge is the only one that has gps built in. - Bruce Lewis
Bruce, that's my point. And if you get the surge (which is obviously no cheap), I don't think it's very different from other products out there in the market. For instance, Garmin makes very good sports watches. - ؛ patrick
I'm all over that Surge. As much as I hate anything bulky on my wrist, I will make the sacrifice for this. (and to be frank, as a runner, Garmin is horrendously overrated nowadays) - Hookuh Tinypants
$249.95 seems to be a good price too - ؛ patrick
Microsoft Band & Health: Unboxing, First Impressions & Setup - - ؛ patrick