What's this rubbish about!?: recode.net/2015/03/09/facebook-shuts-down-friendfeed/
Tracy Benham,
Steven Perez,
LB <3s Micah Sweetie,
Big Joe Silenced,
Stephen Mack,
Jason in #FFurgatory
liked this
Tell me it's not true?
- Kol Tregaskes
And if it is when are we getting closed down??
- Kol Tregaskes
9th April
- Maryam Ardakani
Just rubbish, not happy about that at all. :-(
- Kol Tregaskes
Thanks, Maryam.
- Kol Tregaskes
It's true: http://friendfeed.com/friendf...
- John (bird whisperer)
Here's the official post http://blog.friendfeed.com/2015...
- Maryam Ardakani
John, thanks.
- Kol Tregaskes
Thanks again, Maryam.
- Kol Tregaskes
- Kol Tregaskes
Are we able to backup our data?
- Kol Tregaskes
Is someone working on a backup plan? :-) Can we take the service off FB and run it ourselves?
- Kol Tregaskes
We looked at this a long time ago I know.
- Kol Tregaskes
If not, we have many FF pages across the net...
- Kol Tregaskes
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups...
- Kol Tregaskes
Google+: https://plus.google.com/communi...
- Kol Tregaskes
I think the G+ Communities page is the closest alternative?
- Kol Tregaskes
G+ Page: https://plus.google.com/1083003...
- Kol Tregaskes