I'm toddhoffious on ello, but I'm not really getting ello yet. It doesn't seem to have a bookmarklet.
it still suffers from a lot of deficiencies comparing to FF. definitely has a long path ahead to become like FF - هانیبال
Yah, I find myself wanting it to work like friendfeed and then getting frustrated when it doesn't :-) - Todd Hoff
Same here. I check back periodically to see if they've tweaked any of the things that irritate me about it. When the irritation is lessened greatly, I'll stick. :) - Hookuh Tinypants
I really don't like any of my options. G+ could work, but it doesn't have a bookmarklet, which makes sharing hard. Plus the display "algorithm" means you don't see all the posts, which sucks. Twitter is way to public and is way to short form and conversations still suck on twitter. Facebook also has the we'll display what we want to display bug and it is again to public. Sigh. - Todd Hoff
There are no good alternatives to FF -- I've explored them all. - Sean McBride
G+ actually does have a bookmarklet: "https://plus.google.com/share... goes here]" is the basic sharing URL, and you can install bookmarklets via https://chrome.google.com/webstor... or similar. (See http://www.labnol.org/interne...) - Stephen Mack
But despite that, yeah, there are no good alternatives to FF. :) - Stephen Mack
there are some rumors, even more than rumors, that G+ will be shut down as well. maybe we're at the end of micro-blogging social network era - هانیبال
Well shit. - Todd Hoff
Thanks Stephen, I didn't know about the share bookmarklet. Seems to work. The +1s are pretty useless IMHO. - Todd Hoff
I'm trying to figure out why G+ seems so inefficient for conversations. It just seems heavy. - Todd Hoff
For me, it's the layout - I think they expect you to track your conversations through notifications, but the notifications themselves are so bloated with other things that it makes it difficult. I prefer a timeline more like this or Twitter. - Jennifer Dittrich
I'm working on it :-) - Todd Hoff
That's definitely part of it Jennifer. I do not like the notification approach. There are always timing issues. - Todd Hoff
Whenever I try to wade into Google+, the layout pushes me away every time. It is not nearly as readable as FF. - Sean McBride
So where are you going Sean? - Todd Hoff
FYI, there are 2 other options out there: frenf.it/earlyadopters and pepyatka. They are not as mature as friendfeed.com, but could be a landing place - Brixie
Todd -- until I see the emergence of a new platform that is a next generation Friendfeed, I am probably going to take a vacation from participating on social media. All of the current options turn me off -- they are badly designed. - Sean McBride
FF puts a much stronger visual focus on individual posts than Google+ -- and they appear in a single clean LIFO (last-in, first-out) stream, with no distracting clutter. The key word is "focus." If Google+ offered the option for a FF-style layout, I might bite. - Sean McBride