2 more Gmail Labs for Wednesday - http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2008...
Woo! Go Emily! btw, I can see you! - Dustin
Right-side chat causes a horizontal scroll bar to appear for some reason. - Paul Buchheit
Paul, which browser/OS? - Keith Coleman
osx/ff3 - Paul Buchheit
YES YES YES!! Finally I can tell the world about my favorite labs feature! Right side labels FTW! - EricaJoy
OK, Emily's looking at it. - Keith Coleman
I bet you eventually call the Labs "Plugins" instead. This one is fantastic. Now if they could get chome to work with Gmail - once you hit the (.) key you can no longer use the j/k keys, which means I can't speed-label through my email. - Justin Long
Gmail labs FTW! This one is very very useful.... - Ashwin Bharambe
Right Hand Chat/Labels don't work with Navbar Drag and Drop - Benjamin Golub
Plugins is conceptually what they are. But we Googlers like experiments, so labs will always suffice. - Dustin