The Canid Compendium - Wolf in The Netherlands officially becomes endangered species -
"The wolf will get a lawfully protected status. This will enable the Faunafund to grant compensations in damage caused by wolves if this will occur, writes Secretary of State Dijksma from the Ministry of Economic Affairs in a reaction to the advice from Alterra (Wageningen University) to the House of Representatives on the anticipation on the return of the wolf in The Netherlands. Wolves are inter alia coming from Germany, getting closer and closer to our borders. A possible return of the wolves after over 150 years to The Netherlands is not excluded. The Faunafund and Dutch provinces are involved with the advice from Alterra. Provinces are significantly responsible for the implementation of the policy, also in relation to possible damage to cattle and compensations in this regard via the Faunafund. A considerable part of the advice is on doing research. Particularly provinces will have to decide which research recommendations will be preformed short-term. Within Europe, genetic reference material from wolves need to be shared more. This way, identifying wolves will become significantly easier. In The Netherlands, the joining of wolf knowledge will not take place via a wolf office, but will have to find a way via already existing organizations." - Jessie