If I could only talk to the people at FaceBook, you know, the people shutting this place down. The stuff Facebook "suggests" or "advertises" to widowers is damn painful.
not pictured, the teeshirt ad. - Mike Nencetti
Yes Facebook advertises to my demographic. - Mike Nencetti
Read this blog post where a man who lost his daughter was painfully reminded of his loss by facebook as well... http://meyerweb.com/eric... - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
I haven't checked, does FB give users the option to turn that "feature" off? It's pretty awful for people who have suffered a great loss. - vicster.
The pic on the right is of our 8th anniversary. she could smile, but she was losing the ability to communicate. We took the selfie at a local take-out place. just a 1 hour dinner and then she had to be back in bed. The music playing was all mushy love songs. i knew it was our last anniversary. the year in review kept pushing this pic till i realized i could stop it. - Mike Nencetti
by far that was the saddest day. the days of hospice - which were brutal, were different. - Mike Nencetti
sorry for ranting. I get directed ad's daily. the 1 year ago today stuff should get interesting later this year - I'll just direct my anger at the algorithms - Mike Nencetti
That's not ranting. FB should pay better attention with those ridiculous features. I'm sorry, Mike. - Stephan Planken
it is a losing battle. I just blocked the t-shirt ad, and then i get suggested a counseling ad. I'll just get used to what they throw at me. - Mike Nencetti
*hugs* - Yolanda
Ugh, that really stinks Mike. {{{hugs}}} - Anika