When did "lead" become the past tense of "lead"? We have had "led" for quite a while now. Please use it. Also "breathes" are not the sames as "breaths". #several recent books
How do you feel about "people" and "peoples"? I hate "peoples." - Brian Johns
Can we fix past vs present tense of "to read" then? - Andrew C (see frenf.it)
Brian - "peoples" has a completely different context than "people", really. I'm not sure how "proper" it is, though. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
Well the book I am currently reading got "led" wrong but did get "breaths" right.I'm tired of proofreading instead of enjoying a book. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
I guess some writers are suffering from a case of "lead poisoning". - April Russo (FForever!)