Not being particularly emotional, I've not joined in some of these threads, own egotistical issue here is that, without FF or a suitably active new LSW home, the next time I'm really discouraged about the stuff I'm doing, it may be easier just to chuck it all instead of coming here to gripe and mess around for a while.
Which I am not sure would be a good thing (chucking it all, that is). Also, I'll miss those of you who don't migrate to (||other). Sorry I never got around to the mug shot (as in beverage mug--I would have used my ALA 100 coffee mug, only sold at ALA's centennial conference). Glad I got around to the essay. - walt crawford
I'll be around for moments of doubt. And silliness :-) - Pete's Got To Go
BTW: I don't normally post about Wednesday hikes/walks unless there's a reason, but that's why I wasn't here this a.m. This time--largely because yesterday's rain made many hiking areas muddy--it was the "three hills hike" in Sycamore Grove, and the hike started in a park 3/4 mile from my house. So, of course, I walked there instead of driving to the usual gathering point. - walt crawford
[Any time I can walk 3/4 mile instead of driving 3 miles, if no heavy carrying is involved: Easy choice.] The Ramblers--the mid-level of the group--did a new "no-hills hike" version, little vertical but 5.5 miles walking/hiking in all. Which meant for me, seven miles in all. That's a fairly good morning's hike. I can feel it. - walt crawford