Remember when being a Boston Red Sox fan was about the same as being a masochist guaranteed to be disappointed yearly? Yeah, me neither. (For the record, I am not a Red Sox fan, but know people who are and who wore that yearly badge of disappointment and shame with honor, but happily took it off when the Red Sox won the world series)
I do, and I still feel no pain for them. - Eric @ CS Techcast
TBF, most Red Sox fans genuinely thought [Year X] would be 'The Year We Make It All The Way' over and over and over - Soup in a TARDIS
I do, but I grew up rooting for the first franchise to lose 10,000 games, so I was never sure rooting for the Red Sox was true baseball masochism. - John (bird whisperer)
When the team honored Bill Buckner in 2008 after the second World Series win. The curse really was over. It was also one of the most moving events I have ever seen in sports. - Eric Logan
I always thought Cubs fans had it worse. - Rodfather
These days, I give props to people who grew up an Astros fan and are still sticking with them. - Rodfather
Nothing can be worse than being a Cubs fan. - Victor Ganata
Being a Tigers fan is pretty close ;) - Soup in a TARDIS
Being a Cubs fan is a philosophy of life. - Ivan Crema
Heh, Cubs fans have it way worse. They even missed the Back to the Future deadline. - Scoble, Alex Scoble
after you've put up with this, you can put up with everything: - Ivan Crema