Belarusian Family Take in Entire Pack of Wolves, Raise Them as Pets | Oddity Central - Collecting Oddities -
"A Belarusian family from the village of Zacherevye, 250 kilometers north of Minsk, is raising an entire family of wolves as pets. It’s been five years since the Selekhs took in a group of young wild wolves, and they’ve got the beasts completely domesticated now. In fact, the pet wolves’ behavior is quite opposite to what people normally expect from them. Wolves are supposed to be instinctively wild, and follow a strict code of hierarchy within the pack – they are led by an alpha couple. But the Selekh wolves display none of these characteristics. They are quite a joyful lot instead, playing games and entertaining 10-year-old Alisa Selekh. They even take turns giving the girl piggyback rides through the Selekhs’ front garden." - Jessie
"The Selekh’s story is a heartwarming one, but animal experts warn that domesticated wolves can be even more dangerous than wild ones. That’s because wild wolves are naturally afraid of humans and tend to flee, but domesticated wolves lose this natural fear, making them the bigger threat." - Jessie
Pic of the girl riding piggyback: - Jessie