The Friendfeed Convergence video with Holly, Derrick, Scott, and Alex cemented my love for FF.
CAJ was here,
MoTO Boychick Devil,
chrisofspades #FForever.,
Kirsten loves you,
That one guy. Bren.,
holly #ravingfangirl,
Ell Bee, See?
liked this
Wow. How have I never seen this?
- laura x
hahaha. i have such mixed feelings.
- holly #ravingfangirl
Hehe. Holly and I are of like mind on that one I feel.
I think i might have watched part of it when he originally did it, MAYBE, but i just cannot watch myself. AT ALL.
- holly #ravingfangirl
(all the good feelings come from chatting with everyone)
- holly #ravingfangirl
Yep. Totally.