I am just tired. Unfortunately, anything I say at this point sounds like (and is taken as) whining and complaining. I should just shut up, suck it up, and just keep grinding until I fall apart -- at which point nobody will care; and people will call me a lazy, uncommitted failure for not being a success and making it look easy in the processes.
Needs right now: food (taking care of that as we speak); sleep (soon); a hug (not getting enough real ones). - Julian
I feel like the whole "just suck it up" advice is a nasty trick 2/3rds of the time. The people who seem to get made to feel that are, half of the time, carrying more than enough of a burden than the people saying it realize. I hope you're able to get some good rest and respite. - Jennifer Dittrich
Hope a *hug* helps, even if it's only virtual. - Anne Bouey