GIllmor Gang, recording live today 11am PT participate at
On board :-) - Ian Waring
here - Kevin Marks
Me too - Keith Teare
Sold my Chromebook Pixel ready to fund an iPhone 6 ;-) - Ian Waring
Here. Not sure my wine is, though. ;-) - Robert Scoble
Skype is having troubles starting up for me. Hopefully it works. - Robert Scoble
Plug in the computer ! - David Malone
It looks like it might work. - Robert Scoble
OK, call now - Kevin Marks
Yo! is reporting every Marc Andreessen tweet storm to me now - but doesn't remember history if I want to go back later - Ian Waring
But I don't even see the test pattern - Francine Hardaway
I'm getting the old SF venetian blinds - Ian Waring
Twitter inserting random extras into my feed. If an RSS feed did that, i'd eject it - Ian Waring
Have real test card nw - Ian Waring
s/nw/now - Ian Waring
Have audio - Ian Waring
Bonjour - Ian Waring
lots of rubble on main street - Kevin Marks
earthquakes are probably one of the biggest reasons i really dont think i could ever move to CA - Chris Hale
I feel the same way about the midwest and tornadoes - Kevin Marks
i went to twitter first - Tina Chase Gillmor
yeah, i didn't see much on Facebook at first - Tina Chase Gillmor
i think twitter is a better source for realtime news. IMHO - Chris Hale
I just wanted confirmation that I wasn't dreaming or a dog wasn't crazy-scratching on the bed - Tina Chase Gillmor
Wonder if the Westin in Napa suffered much damage. - Francine Hardaway
Francine: I doubt it. That's a modern building. The damage is with bricks falling. - Robert Scoble
greenwalsd - Jan Winter
I was surprised that I couldn't get instant confirmation - Tina Chase Gillmor
What do yall think about state or gov involvement should be in using tech to notify the public about natural disaster type issues like this? What do yall think it should be? - Chris Hale
usgs is the place for confirmation - Kevin Marks
yeah i think there should be a break thru tweet for something like disasters or dangerous situations - Tina Chase Gillmor
they have feeds and tweets - Kevin Marks
i wonder which list I am on in Scobles FB - Chris Hale
there used to be a thing called snapkite that displayed mobile images posted against a given search terms in Twitter - Ian Waring
@tina that was what I was curious about. In TX My cell phone provider sends me amber alerts that they make a pain to opt out of. Historically radio has the emergency broadcast functions. Why doesnt someone propose a way to handle notifications of this type of thing. Seems kinda ludicrous i can get an amber alert about missing children but nothing about earthquakes. - Chris Hale
Facebook used to have a auto generated list based on places, where in the feed would be showing the news items from the places I have live or live. In events like this this would be useful since most of the people from that particular area would be posting more about the event. And combined that with commenting system and FB's media type, it would be better.. - Satyajit
@Chris - yes, agree. In these instances I want credible info fast. and I want it pushed at me - Tina Chase Gillmor
@the dutch goverment has implemented a notification system, alerting people on mobile in case of an emergency - Jan Winter
i think the assumption is that you feel an earthquake if it matters, and they can't give you advance notice - Kevin Marks and search for earthquake - Ian Waring
i got a really weird warning from my cell phone company a month or two ago when there were flash floods in my area. I realized that notification was darn near useless because i had no context. I couldnt for the life of me figure out where it was that was actually flooded. - Chris Hale
All Facebook needs is a Real-time Events #Page - Moe Glitz
did he say Kremlinology? - Tina Chase Gillmor
John Lenin - Moe Glitz
Tina, can you modernize him please? - Francine Hardaway
only thing with is that searches for pizza is a safe bet, "wife" isn't... - Ian Waring
Moe he,he - Tina Chase Gillmor
I look a twitter, then - Kevin Marks
its interesting to see the landscape of how peoples disaster recovery strategies have subtly changed as technology has evolved - Chris Hale
Francine - if only I could. I did give him children. Best I could do. ;-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
Chelsea and Temple said their glass rattled, Robert. But Chelsea slept through it. - Francine Hardaway
They have modernized him a bit - Francine Hardaway
if i were in california i would look to see if ifttt has a earthquake recipe and see if you could hook it up to phillips hue lights and make them glow a certain color in case of earthquake. Seems like that is a good use case for multi colored lights - Chris Hale
The Beatles - Moe Glitz
1:1 - they were poor - Ian Waring
Manchester Utd urgently need Di Maria - Moe Glitz
Every brick in the wall - Ian Waring
OK we did have on thing that was on the floor in the studio but it was gingerly positioned on a shelf to begin with. It's Steve's SciFi award. You can see it on the back shelf - Tina Chase Gillmor
oooh, Kevin's drinking something very green today. - Tina Chase Gillmor
Green smoothie? - Tina Chase Gillmor
i am so angry at that coin issue - Chris Hale
I funded ScratchJr to teach kids 5-7 to program on iPads and Android Tabs - Ian Waring
I personally think coin is now dead on arrival. - Chris Hale
I bought a PONO - Francine Hardaway
yesterdays email i got from coin made me decide to switch to try out loop instead. Anybody here tried loop? - Chris Hale
Or that is, I ordered a PONO. I'll let you know if I get one - Francine Hardaway
Kale, celery, apple, zucchini, lemon, ginger juice blend - Kevin Marks
And I thought you said PORNO - Moe Glitz
i think coin will be DOA because by the time coin finally releases its generation 1 product to the masses, we will already be starting down the road of converting to chip and pin. - Chris Hale
Money Apps will win in the long term - Moe Glitz
@Moe, what do you mean? - Chris Hale
Surprised that PayPal has not made bigger waves in the App World - Moe Glitz
Chris Hale I agree - Francine Hardaway
I will now start re-reading Neil Young's book. I just finished Graham Nash's book, and I think I liked it better. - Francine Hardaway
I agree. Its so frustrating from a consumers point of view though. I am sure this whole thing has been talked about half to death but Google wallet seemed like a good solution, NFC payments seem like a great solution. I really want to be able to do away with all my magnetic cards. Wallets annoy me alot. I have back problems and keeping a wallet doesnt help. - Chris Hale
Whoever gets the right Money App for Mobile wins big time - Moe Glitz
i agree. I think nothing has saturated the market as a winner because apple keeps sitting on the fence. - Chris Hale
I have finally decided to move away from an iphone as my main device. - Chris Hale
needs to be secure. see the point of sale hacks that were in the news this week - Jan Winter
@keith thats awesome you are using virtual teams. I wish more folks adopted that model - Chris Hale
I'm not super impressed with ProductHunt. - Kevin Costain
Kevin: why? - Robert Scoble
Start-ups are less and less clue-full, maybe? I mean, "Plink?" "Uber Watch?" - Frank Paynter
why what? - Kevin Marks
@Jan, i totally agree. I ultimately want to use my phone for payments. Some of the things I look forward to is the ability to quickly change credentials if somehow my account becomes comprimised. - Chris Hale
haha.. I think Robert was asking me KMarks.. :) - Kevin Costain
I could name that tune in two notes... - Frank Paynter
I should keep my receipts for my most recent startup to see how much its costing me. So far i am at about 300 , dunno what it will be by launch time - Chris Hale
Yo got much better now that it gives breaking news - Francine Hardaway
That's how I get my Marc Andreessen Tweet storm notifications now - Ian Waring
It's not entertainment, it's the successor to Twitter - Francine Hardaway
I posted that pic 20 mins ago - Kevin Marks
Product Hunt is not a major company; it's niche. The general public doesn't care much about finding new products. I, however, love Product Hunt. - Francine Hardaway
I just installed the iOS version of ProductHunt.. and I'm very interested in what it does.. Very interested. But, I look at it, and it feels very clunky. Information about each of the products feels hard to get to. I think this could really improve. I'm sticking with it for now because it's probably better than pouring over every technology post in Reddit.. haha - Kevin Costain
Kevin, try Product Hunt on the web. Much better - Francine Hardaway
hey @keith, if the pono doesn't work well it looks like it could double as a really fashionable doorstop - Chris Hale
Kevin: agreed. (Costain). - Robert Scoble
I will try that Francine. Thanks. - Kevin Costain
Why are reddit censoring Product Hunt posts? - Ian Waring
with that last cut from Kevin to Keith it looked like Keith was about to grab Kevin's drink - Tina Chase Gillmor
Apple Apple Apple - Ian Waring
shouldn't it be a user decision to opt-out on certain news events? - Jan Winter
Everything's amazing, and nobody's happy -- Louis CK - Francine Hardaway
Which is crap - Ian Waring
I watched it. It wasn't fun. - Francine Hardaway
North Americans are culturally miserable. - Kevin Costain
Anybody seen the movie, "The City That Waits to Die?" Maybe forty years old or more but interesting and contains the same kind of good info Robert is sharing. - Frank Paynter
Jean Claude Gassee has just released a Monday Note about IBM:Apple and alliances history - Ian Waring
Welp, guys and gals.. I have to run. Stay safe... have a good one. - Kevin Costain
My router went down during the Cuban missile crisis... but I was in a public school. - Frank Paynter
Duck and cover... - Frank Paynter
Big iPhone! - J.C. Bouvier
sold my Chromebook Pixel to fund mine - Ian Waring
And Microsoft is the beyond the recovery network - Moe Glitz
Not quite - very detailed analysis - Ian Waring
agree with @kevinmarks! - Chris Hale
Anyone want to buy a Netbook! ;) - J.C. Bouvier
My son gets Tesco on his lock screen as he walks into their stores already - Ian Waring
One Annual Software Update - perfect - Moe Glitz
Does Marks and Sparks serve up a signal? - Frank Paynter
@kevinmarks don't hate on Texans - Chris Hale
Siri vs Siri: "No, the RED ZONE is for loading and unloading. The WHITE ZONE is for...." - Dale Lature
Android Annual Software Updates - not perfect - Moe Glitz
I'm not hating texas, that's just what I sound like while faking an accent for my car - Kevin Marks
Actors Studio with Robin Williams was great too - Ian Waring
One audience member had to be taken to hospital for laughing too much - Ian Waring
Robin Williams was the best Live Performance Comedian ever - Moe Glitz
Love Bob Newhart. Wish he and Don Rickles would do more. - Chien-Yu Lin
You did put that up - Francine Hardaway
@kevinmarks I know. Just razzing you a bit. - Chris Hale
Marc Canter wrote about that recently - Francine Hardaway
Chien-Yu... that would be great. They are good friends afterall - Tina Chase Gillmor
Yo! - Ian Waring
They do comedians going for coffee - Francine Hardaway
Google+ is dead - Tina Chase Gillmor
TIna, I really disagree. - Francine Hardaway
Google- - Moe Glitz
Google+ is a troll free zone though - Ian Waring
It isn't dead but it is wounded and falling behind. - Robert Scoble
Ian: only if you don't praise Facebook. Hah. - Robert Scoble
Really enjoyed today's show! Yall in california stay safe - Chris Hale
Thanks - see you next (Friday)? - Ian Waring
Great show - Moe Glitz
TY - Jan Winter
Great show! - Francine Hardaway
We LOVED Chuck Todd - Francine Hardaway