Michael Fidler

Welcome to my feed. Thanks for coming by!
I joined FriendFeed July 8th, 2008 (2,465 days ago). Of all the services that have come and gone over the years, it is the only one that I will truly miss. Goodbye Friendfeed.
Watching the #LunarEclipse in Santa Monica...very cool!
RIP Neil Armstrong. A true Hero!
A Double Blast From The Sun - YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Amazing footage of blast waves moving across the sun from both of the X-class flares! - Michael Fidler
9.jpg (1280×1024) - http://vi.sualize.us/view...
girishnare posted a new favorite picture (via): - Michael Fidler
Beautiful Picture Quotes 141218573 SayingImages.com-Best Images With Words From Tumblr, Weheartit, Xanga - http://vi.sualize.us/view...
Official Vimeo for iOS app now available with impressive editing features | 9 to 5 Mac - http://www.9to5mac.com/58337...
Google's Logo for the 50th Anniversary of John F Kennedy's Inaugural Address. (Video from Hulu) http://t.co/onzbNAS - http://www.google.com/
Want to play Angry Birds on your laptop? Now you can. - http://thenextweb.com/apps...
Merry Christmas Everybody!!!
RT @thqwireless: Our latest #StarWars game for #iPhone Star Wars Imperial Academy (co-published with @ngmoco) is now live in #AppStore - http://itunes.apple.com/us...
iPhone 5 Will Enable Ambitious Remote Computing Program – Source [Exclusive] | Cult of Mac http://www.cultofmac.com/iphone-...
$400M for a company that just makes iPhone games! Here's what Everyone Made From The Ngmoco-DeNa Deal http://techcrunch.com/2010...
‘The Hobbit’ Could Cost $500 Million! | /Film http://www.slashfilm.com/2010... Who cares? Just make it already!
LOTR was a total snoozefest for me - Mo Kargas
Thought you would say something like that. lol - Michael Fidler
Just heard that Tony Curtis died. He used to come in to my dad's restaurant several times a week. What a sweet man he was..so friendly! #RIP
I don't have the new twitter, but from the screenshots it looks like a step in the right direction. Think I'll watch @scobleizer video now
Facebook Launching Official Live Streaming Channel: Facebook Live - http://www.readwriteweb.com/archive...
I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code - (via @dalziel & @MossyBlog)
The world's biggest companies - http://money.cnn.com/magazin...
NASA Spacecraft Discovers 706 Potential Alien Worlds - http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_webl...
I'm near the front of the line. It's only taken 12 hours to get here, but who's counting. #iPhone #apple
I must be crazy to have done that! At around the six hour mark, I crossed the point of no return. I had so much time invested already, that there was no way I was going home without a phone. Fortunately I was in line with a lot of fun people who helped pass the time. By the end, we were taking pictures together,and exchanging our twitter account info:) It actually was somewhat fun, but I wouldn't do it again, I think... - Michael Fidler
Ya, but there won't be free cupcakes and lemonade:-) - Michael Fidler
Windows 7 Sells 7 Copies Every Second. 150 Million in Total. Beat that Apple! http://www.redmondpie.com/windows...
in other news, iPhones are dropping 1 call every 7 seconds............ - Jeff (Team マクダジ )
Only if you're left-handed. - Akiva
Eliminate: GunRange for iPhone 4 - ngmoco's shooting gallery is one of the first iPhone 4 games - http://wireless.ign.com/article...
This is not a first-person shooter like Eliminate. It's a shooting gallery that uses the gyroscope for ultra-precise aiming on a range. You have over 140 target challenges and 12 weapons at your disposal. BTW; Eliminate is by far my favorite game on the iPhone. I highly recommend trying it! - Michael Fidler
Now that I have had a chance to try it, I would recommend it to anybody who is interested in what the gyroscope can do. It feels more like a test of concept, than an actual game, but I still need to play around with it some more. - Michael Fidler
Jailbreak iOS 4 with PwnageTool 4.1 [How to Guide] | Redmond Pie - http://www.redmondpie.com/jailbre...
Windows users will have to wait a couple more days for the release of Snowbreeze 1.6 to jailbreak their phones. Snowbreeze 1.6, like PwnageTool will enable you to create custom firmware files on Windows without upgrading the baseband. It will support the following devices (the same as PwnageTool 4.0). Here's a link with more information; http://www.redmondpie.com/jailbre... - Michael Fidler
Update: Sn0wbreeze 1.6 has been released. http://www.redmondpie.com/sn0wbre... - Michael Fidler
San Francisco's Financial District shrouded in fog - Robert Cameron - http://vi.sualize.us/view...
Another Earthquake! It was a small one again, but that's two in the last 24 hours. #earthquake
Small earthquake in L.A.
Chrome Extensions Get Desktop Notifications - http://www.readwriteweb.com/archive...