RT @doctorow: Crowdfunding Lantern, a P2P anti-censorship tool http://boingboing.net/2014... https://twitter.com/doctoro...
RT @alexwoolfson: New page of The Young Protectors is now up! (And The Platinum Priestess judges Spooky Jones...) http://webcomics.yaoi911.com/archive... Pls RT!
RT @fpga_nugga: @snare internet of targets
RT @MAPSnews: In just 4 days, 240+ people contributed over $15,000 to Legalizing #Psychedelic Therapy! Help us reach our goal: https://www.indiegogo.com/project...
RT @mattyglesias: “a legacy of Missouri's history as a remote and violent corner of the French Empire” http://www.vox.com/2014...
RT @lightcoin: Four "solution-focused" siblings are launching Five-O, an app to share and rate experiences with law enforcement: http://www.citylab.com/tech...
RT @isislovecruft: Yeah! It works! I patched Tor Browser! New HTML5 canvas fingerprinting permissions UI: https://t.co/dP6yyT4oFz https://twitter.com/isislov...
RT @evacide: EFF's Cell Phone Guide for US Protesters, 2014 edition is out. Read it now: https://t.co/GTmycEOdCF
RT @mmaharrey10th: Stop the surveillance-state! Revamped website live! http://www.offnow.org. #nullifynsa
Increased the color temperature of the lights over my desk. Feel like a new Zaki https://twitter.com/zmanian...
RT @EFF: The Constitution and our laws were never meant to be interpreted in secret. The FISA Court needs reform now. https://t.co/bl4RSB31S6
RT @csoghoian: If you're using Tor on Linux and aren't using @micahflee's Tor Browser Launcher, you're easy prey for FBI malware. https://t.co/A1cAD4PcZP
I liked a @YouTube video https://www.youtube.com/watch... Tupac Shakur 1992 Speech
I liked a @YouTube video http://www.youtube.com/watch... Cybersecurity as Realpolitik by Dan Geer presented at Black Hat USA 2014
RT @mattdpearce: Here's the police presence for the march. No armor, no rifles. Mellow. #Ferguson https://twitter.com/mattdpe...
RT @mattdpearce: Here is your new police leader, MHP Capt. Johnson, who was hugging and shaking hands with protesters as they passed. https://twitter.com/mattdpe...
RT @mpjme: I wrote an article explaining @StellarOrg, the new payment protocol, using lots of meme images: http://www.quora.com/Stellar...
RT @RestoreThe4thSF: Thanks to @MildredMarianne for donating some of the proceeds of her new track to @Restore_the4th. Give it a listen... http://mildredmarianne.com/
I liked a @YouTube video http://www.youtube.com/watch... "Keynote: Novena: Building a laptop from scratch" by Sean Cross
RT @RT4_Chicago: Our FOIA Training Workshop is on Tuesday - don't miss it! RSVP on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events...
RT @hypatiadotca: Reminder: @whysecuritysf this Sunday the 17th, 2-5PM at @DoubleUnionSF. Lightning talks, snacks, hax :) http://tinyletter.com/whysecu...
RT @RestoreThe4thSF: What's worse than the Patriot Act and the FISA Amendment's Act? Executive Order 12333 http://www.nytimes.com/2014...
RT @TheScottRob: Thanks to all the meetup folks & organizers for last night's #Bitlicense chat: @huuep, @ioptio, @velucene, @mew_128, @danielcawrey! #Bitcoin
RT @edrabbit: The actual crime rate stats in Ferguson, MO http://www.city-data.com/crime... Does this warrant their military equipment?
RT @repjustinamash: Images & reports out of #Ferguson are frightening. Is this a war zone or a US city? Gov't escalates tensions w/military equipment & tactics.
RT @corbett: my latest paper "Chameleon f(R) gravity on the Virgo cluster scale", submitted to MNRAS, is now live on arXiv http://arxiv.org/abs/1408.2856
RT @trevortimm: I wrote about why we should look at police militarization as a press freedom issue in the wake of #Ferguson: https://t.co/Vw6GiAj8Uu
RT @casey_bowman: The steel canyons of Manhattan vs the startup garages of San Francisco/SV - The culture gap is wide. Panel discussion at Draper. #BitLicense
RT @IdentityMind: Legal panel advice at Hero City #bitlicense meetup: use concrete examples in addressing proposed bitlicense regulation.