RT @dewzi: The #BayThreat CFP is now open! https://docs.google.com/forms... (Plus I heard something about them paying for travel this year!)
RT @SkyNews: Julian Assange 'Could Be Planning To Surrender' http://news.sky.com/story...
RT @quinnnorton: The people doing local TV journalism in STL did not get into this field to cover military crackdowns on local villages, yet here they are.
RT @sarahkendzior: Eyewitness told me last night's Molotov at the chop suey place was thrown by white "anarchist" group. This been going on all week.
RT @TravisSBN: #Ferguson live video feed would be a lot easier to understand with a map. So I made a quick map w/ what I can gather http://twitter.com/TravisS...
RT @jesseberney: Call this "looting," I dare you. RT @ShaunKing: Protestors broke into McDonalds to get milk for tear gas victims. https://twitter.com/ShaunKi...
RT @Wayne85Live: Wow RT @Bipartisanism: BREAKING: Police are turning out street lights in #Ferguson and using night vision goggles against protesters.
RT @NotRhodey: bike line held it down at gate three for four hours today. #BlockTheBoat https://twitter.com/NotRhod...
RT @natedrug: Tonight, #Ferguson cops have: * Tear-gassed an 8-year old * Driven a truck through a crowd * Threatened to kill a reporter on air
I liked a @YouTube video https://www.youtube.com/watch... VICE News: Live From the Streets of Ferguson, Missouri
RT @BlueDuPage: 2 months ago, the entire House Democratic leadership voted AGAINST demilitarizing local police http://www.vanityfair.com/online... https://twitter.com/BlueDuP...
RT @ioerror: Julian with many hardcore cypherpunks made privacy a practical possibility in our modern world. To call him "anti-privacy" is nonsense.
RT @jimchines: Here's @doctorow accepting the Best Graphic Story Hugo Award for Randall Munroe's "Time." #HugoAwards http://twitpic.com/eabr8s
RT @wissewords: @doctorow accepting the award for xkcd in character #hugoawards #LonCon3 https://twitter.com/wissewo...
RT @MaxBlumenthal: Activists declare first victory as Israeli ship delays docking at Oakland http://electronicintifada.net/blogs... via @CharESilver
RT @zooko: A really good challenging blog post from @ofnumbers: “What we have today is not Bitcoin but Bitcoin In Name Only”—http://letstalkbitcoin.com/blog...
When this is your view but only 10% 🔋 left... https://twitter.com/zmanian...
RT @aprilaser: At 17 I built a legit community radio station out of my trailer in TN. Was always inspired by dusty zines like this: http://www.merseypirates.com/rjnstev...
RT @BoingBoing: Instagramming the Playa: @SFslim's photos from Burning Man setup in the Black Rock desert http://boingboing.net/2014...
RT @cory_foy: Great article by @mattdpearce about what happened in #Ferguson last night, including the why of the police response: http://www.latimes.com/nation...
RT @sinak: .@NadiaKayyali Just quickly set up a more memorable @twilio forwarding number for #ferguson legal support: (415) 413-4137
RT @Noahpinion: Ferguson protesters are guarding stores from looters: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014... I love America.
RT @micahflee: People should stop thinking that if NSA can maybe defeat a security system under many conditions that it's worthless.
RT @xeni: Oh, and @quinnnorton has a related feature up at @medium on pragmatic street advice for covering protests: https://t.co/qRyrd8eSlp
RT @webster: Hey @sublimehq, do you really need to be making unencrypted, plaintext connections? #httpshaming https://twitter.com/webster...
RT @MazMHussain: U.S. working with one of its own designated "terror" organizations in Iraq, proving again how serious that term is: http://m.csmonitor.com/World...
RT @puellavulnerata: brb, starting an onion cult @leops1984 @akareilly @thegrugq
RT @billmarczak: The ability to break into anyone's computer at will is the same thing as mass interception; u've just outsourced data storage to ur targets.
RT @nthmost: Here's @DocPop rocking a Game Boy for @noisebridge #reboot party https://twitter.com/nthmost...
RT @doctorow: Crowdfunding Lantern, a P2P anti-censorship tool http://boingboing.net/2014... https://twitter.com/doctoro...
RT @alexwoolfson: New page of The Young Protectors is now up! (And The Platinum Priestess judges Spooky Jones...) http://webcomics.yaoi911.com/archive... Pls RT!