
I write a humor blog and cartoons. I also like root beer, social media, technology and sour tasting things. Hit me up on Twitter, @afrojive
So, where have you been? Yes i'm talking to you **guy that ditched to Google+
Android apps running on BlackBerry phones? - http://www.techradar.com/news...
"An app developer has noticed that someone has been running its Android app ShopSavvy on several BlackBerry handsets." - wiredgnome
Apple is offerings new and improved MacBook Pro laptops - http://www.latimes.com/busines...
Give it one more week and we'll be seeing 'newer and more improved MacBook Pro laptops.' - wiredgnome
[YouTube] - Imagine a bat, except the size of a human. - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Speaking foreign languages may help protect your memory - http://www.sciencedaily.com/release...
If you don't succeed, try and try again. But Einstein said: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
iPhone's autocorrect feature makes for hours of entertainment... - http://failblog.org/2010...
Seriously. It would suck to screw up a text like this to, say, your boss. - wiredgnome
Is your self-esteem dependent on your follow/subscriber count? If yes, imagine what you would have thought about your answers 20 years ago...
Hypochondriacs won't like this: http://www.physorg.com/news...; echinacea does NOT help your cold & cough
No matter how many times I leave FriendFeed, I always want to keep coming back. I wish more people would start using, like Twitter. Twitter is so much more appealing to the "technically-challenged" which is why FriendFeed is usually left in the dust.
If this doesn't amaze you, I don't know what will: http://bit.ly/f6LgBB
The largest, most comprehensive, scientific search tool on the web: http://www.scirus.com/
The largest, most comprehensive, scientific search tool on the web: www.scirus.com/
11 hilarious iPhone auto-correct fails: http://www.funnyordie.com/slidesh...; don't be one of these people
The difference between men and women, life explained: http://sprott.physics.wisc.edu/pickove...
What makes Tim tick? Tim Lincecum talks about motivation: http://mlb.mlb.com/news... #SFGiants
Man allergic to radio waves, that would not have been that bad a hundred years ago but it must suck now.
Hosni Mubarak steps down, I'm happy for Egyptians - http://www.thehindu.com/news...
Social networking dilemma: cyber-war or peace - http://figscomic.blogspot.com/2011...
3 Timeless Twitter Tips - http://thedullest.wordpress.com/2011...
3 ways to turn your crappy twitter feed into a waterfall of conversation and getting more followers. - wiredgnome
The Embarrassing Public Washroom Encounter - http://figscomic.blogspot.com/2009...
Warning : Live Crabs BIte - http://www.flickr.com/photos...
Looking for great stuff to read? - http://googlereader.blogspot.com/2009...
Are you mind-mapping yet?