Michael R. Bernstein

Web application designer and developer, living in Albuquerque. Specializing in Python web-app frameworks, like Zope, Plone, and Google App Engine.
@LabCORE1 Your sites are down, Mark.
Want to help disadvantaged kids get access to technology? Visit @kidsoncomputers at #oscon or their website http://www.kidsoncomputers.org/. #koc
Getting a headache from the sonicscreen mosquito sound teen repellent. They ought to be illegal for public spaces. https://foursquare.com/nerdwor...
Attending the httq show and tell. (@ One Up Elevated Lounge) https://foursquare.com/nerdwor...
#digitalgov #OpenGov what to do about a dataset that was recently 'released' by an agency by giving an exclusive deal to a private company?
RT @annabloom: Reason No. 9 to bring @ArtAround to SF -- http://www.kickstarter.com/project...: The recreation of a 200-year-old Mission mural VIDEO http://www.youtube.com/das_cap...
Watching the eclipse. Unfortunately, the museum just ran out of the special glasses, so have consructed a makeshift... https://foursquare.com/nerdwor...
My answer to: Where is the city of Albuquerque precisely one mile high? http://www.quora.com/Albuque... on @Quora
A List Apart: Articles: Dive into Responsive Prototyping with Foundation - http://www.alistapart.com/article...
Transformational Entrepreneurship: Where Technology Meets Societal Impact http://blogs.hbr.org/cs... #leanvote2012-19 #startups
At ABQ Lean Startup Circle. (@ Tech Love Computing) https://foursquare.com/nerdwor...
Ooh. Harsh. RT @paulg: The GMail redesign illustrates the distinction between high production values and good design.
@sebpaquet Thanks for the RT! You can help make @Urbsly happen by retweeting #leanvote2012-19 http://blog.urbsly.com/post...
@umairh I'd argue it started gaining significant momentum in the late 20th (around 1980).
@_JennyShen @sebpaquet: @Urbsly is building 'Yelp for Seeds' to help gardeners find what will grow best, with a recommendation service.
RT @_JennyShen: #Startup Pitch: My company (name), is developing (a defined offering) to help (a defined audience) to (solve a problem) with (secret sauce).
RT @ChristinaatHP: Great chance to keep up with #opendata movement. Take @TechChange’s four week online course starting May 14th: http://techchange.org/global-...
@umairh Freedom == Maximizing Human Potential
RT @sebpaquet: “@wwjimd: Resilience = Not having all of your eggs in one basket. Abundance = having enough eggs.”
@chrismcdonough Let me ask this a bit differently: of the options you noted, which seems most popular among Pyramid devs & users?
@chrismcdonough have any recs for a Python/Pyramid PaaS now that ep.io is going away?