
To change directions, you must apply torque. Gal 2:19-20.
The Azure upgrade is fantastic. Channel 9 now hosted on #Azure - #PDC
Chilling #PDC at Microsoft Silicon Valley today - come find me.
RT @BillGlover: Technology has come on a long way when I can break out the iPad and set up a new domain with Google Apps in under 30 minutes.
tim draper singing "riskmaster" at #bizsparkone - lol
RT @jorias: #bizsparkone vc's favour traction vs revenue i can feel a disturbing difference between many european / german vc's vs their us counterparts
Winzip had 3% conversion, corporate market key. Corp weren't paying because it was difficult to pay to CT. 1MM pounds harvested Year 1.
learning from @gezbrady, Silicon Valley Bank, on understanding lesvers for success, "way beyond eyeballs" these days #bizsparkone
Linxter's @jmilgram cloud messaging, 50 miliion messages processed #bizsparkone
watching @itzabitza demo video at #bizsparkone summit, cute! Bringing drawings to life while learning to read, years of cognitivie research
watching @sabi demo video at #bizsparkone summit, cute! Bringing drawings to life while learning to read
humbled to be at the #bizsparkone summit
YouTube - NEW! The HP Slate 500 for Businesses - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Comes with Evernote. - τorƍue
Reaction to the DEC Spam of 1978 - http://www.templetons.com/brad...
"Possibly the first spam ever was a message from a DEC marketing rep to every Arpanet address on the west coast, or at least the attempt at that." - τorƍue
IBM's in Hot Water to Cool Servers — ServerWatch.com - http://www.serverwatch.com/news...
"By eliminating the cost of chilling the water, customers can save up to 40 percent of their energy costs over air-cooled systems that use air conditioning and a lot of fans. The boiling hot water is carried away from the servers and used to heat homes around the ETH Zurich facilities. By the time it circulates back to the computer center, it has cooled down" - τorƍue
Is it time yet?
Balki Bartokomous - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki...
Too popular!
ARM: WiFi wastes too much energy - http://liliputing.com/2010...
"Speaking at an event this week, ARM president Tudor Brown pointed out that WiFi modules on laptops can draw as much as 8 watts of power — when the amount of power it takes to transmit and receive a wireless signal is actually much lower. The problem is that WiFi modules are horribly inefficient — 98% or more of the energy they use may be wasted." - τorƍue
Cost Effective Long-term Parking at SFO – Millbrae BART Station » Perendinate - http://perendinate.com/2010...
RT @Chinese_forums: Oxford Chinese Dictionary - upcoming interview with Chief Editor: http://www.chinese-forums.com/index...
Anyone ue Facebook ads? Seems like there are 2x more clicks on their end than mine...
China to build ginormous buses that cars can drive under (video) -- Engadget - http://www.engadget.com/2010...
I wonder if the bathrooms on that bus dump out below. - Amit Patel
Don't think about it. - τorƍue
Anyone using Xobni out there?
Lufkin, Texas Concert Transcript - http://www.kidbrothers.net/words...
"We are not saved because we're good. We're good because we're saved. Never forget what Jesus did for you. Never take lightly what it cost Him. And never assume that if it cost Him His very life, that it won't cost you yours. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go to heaven. Why? Because God has a really big house, but He's gonna have a lot of guests and He doesn't want all that luggage to deal with. If we could lay down our stuff and let God love us, I think we'd pretty nearly be in heaven. And I hope you're there. That's where God wants you to be. And maybe you didn't know that. I think a lot of us think that God is looking for ways to keep us out of His kingdom. Well, if that were the case, then Jesus would be absurd. But, if Jesus Christ is Who the Scriptures teach us that He is, then God wants us to be saved; we know that God wants us to be with Him. This song will sound better if you sing it than if I have to sing it by myself. It goes..." - τorƍue
"...This was demonstrated to you by the one known to you as Jesus. Not only did he demonstrate what could be done in a very small way, but also how to think in order to do this. Unfortunately, man upon planet Earth has misinterpreted the meaning of this man’s life. At this time we wish to point out the true meaning of this man’s life..." http://www.llresearch.org/transcr... - Private Sanjeev
Fastest Camera Ever Built Uses Lasers | Wired Science | Wired.com - http://www.wired.com/wiredsc...
High-Speed Cameras Fuel New Discovery Show ‘Time Warp’ - http://www.bigcitypix.com/high-sp...
"The cameras in Time Warp’s arsenal include the 720P Photron SA-1, which shoots at a maximum of 675,000 frames per second, and the higher-quality, 1080P Photron SA-2 (below), which can shoot up to 86,000 frames per second. The cameras cost $108,000 and $130,000, respectively. The third, only occasionally used shooter is the Fastec HiSpec II — a small, battery-operated camera that can shoot 720P video up to 750 frames per second. Its compact size makes it ideal for underwater shoot, in-car crashes, skydiving and so forth." - τorƍue
How much does the Photron Fastcam SA5 camera cost? - Yahoo! Answers - http://answers.yahoo.com/questio...
"Costs vary depending on the cameras specs. The University of Rhode Island camera was purchased for $457,000. Other high-speed cameras range in price from $9,000 to $150,000 and more." - τorƍue
YouTube - Street Slide: Browsing Street Level Imagery (make sure to look at the last 2 min) - http://www.youtube.com/watch...!
Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen and six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery. — Charles Dickens, David Copperfield
Where am I?
Hm, I don't recognize those stars, so I'm guessing our in the southern hemisphere? - Dave Bacon
10:16pm PST. - τorƍue