Martin Bryant

Based in Manchester, UK. UK Editor at The Next Web, Digital Content Editor at Marketing Manchester & one of the founders of #smc_mcr
Yay, you can finally de-register iMessage from your phone number if you've switched from an iPhone >
Pulled pork soup. A pulled pork too far.
I feel sorry for film school tutors who will have to put up with terrible Too Many Cooks pastiches from their students in the coming months.
RT @lorenb: Is my mom going to get an email every time I favorite a tweet now? Isn't this how Facebook stopped being cool?
I kind of wish @strngwys put that list post on TNW.
"I had to make sure Martin was in the top 10 because he’s my boss" @strngwys pumping out the quality weekend content
Odd scenes in the Apple Store as an employee recommends an alternative to the Beats Pill to a customer, as it's less likely to be stolen.
I wonder what the Beatles circa 1967 would have made of the Flaming Lips' reworking of Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.
Apparently I joined Twitter 7 years ago, 17 hours after @linseymcnew & a day before @foodiesarah (thanks @thinkupapp)
This week's TNW Weekly email will be out a bit later than usual as the Wi-Fi at Dublin Airport isn't quite fast enough for me to finish it.
Well Dublin, it's been a fun week but now I must head home. *waves*
Crazy that WiFi problems at #websummit became a national news story. I'll be writing about that in today's TNW Weekly
RT @BethEleri: Use of text language is not an indicator of a decline in spelling and grammar study finds. Gr8 c u l8r:
Forget #founders, I'm at alternative event #flounders - I've had four conversations and they're all potential stories.
Oh wow, I missed that Mark Bell died. How sad.
RT @lfoxmas: @JagwarMa Hi, we're trying to get LFO to Xmas No.1 as a tribute to Mark Bell. Please help spread the word. Thanks
One of the best things about the #websummit every year is @thehappypear's smoothies. So good.
Serious 'dark social' traffic hit today on TNW. Guessing it's WhatsApp. Messaging apps need to sort out referral tracking.
I've learned over the past couple of days that I'm far more responsive to email than my peers. Does this mean I can start ignoring my inbox?
A picture of a steak that's linked to a Doubleclick ad URL keeps appearing in my Twitter feed in odd places.
"I think we can do a lot better job with auto-organization" Google Drive's Scott Johnston >
(I actually did that 'joke' with a photo of The Edge once, that made more sense)
Don't push me 'cause I'm close to... Bono. Oh, that doesn't work.
Drinking this because experimentation is good, right?
Relaxing on Pitching Stage 3, waiting to grill some startups. #websummit
When you're wearing gloves that support capacitive touch but keep trying TouchID too. Silly.
Move fast and stack napkins.
When you complain about a Business Insider '100 people' list and link to it, you help ensure there will be more of them to complain about...
Apple has 'several more years of high growth' ahead, reckons ex-CEO John Sculley. #websummit