Martin Bryant

Based in Manchester, UK. UK Editor at The Next Web, Digital Content Editor at Marketing Manchester & one of the founders of #smc_mcr
Re: We’re giving away a Nexus 6 and Nexus 9: Come and get ‘em! -
Re: We’re giving away a Nexus 6 and Nexus 9: Come and get ‘em! -
Re: We’re giving away a Nexus 6 and Nexus 9: Come and get ‘em! -
"Apologies - fixed!" - Martin Bryant
Re: We’re giving away a Nexus 6 and Nexus 9: Come and get ‘em! -
Re: We’re giving away a Nexus 6 and Nexus 9: Come and get ‘em! -
"Sorry about that - fixed:" - Martin Bryant
Re: We’re giving away a Nexus 6 and Nexus 9: Come and get ‘em! -
"Apologies - fixed:" - Martin Bryant
Re: OneOne is a new secure messaging app designed to make your chats untraceable -
"Might just take a while to appear as it's new - the links above work." - Martin Bryant
Re: OneOne is a new secure messaging app designed to make your chats untraceable -
"Yes you can - but people could always take a photo of the screen, even if copy/paste and screenshots were blocked." - Martin Bryant
Ouch > Google’s DoubleClick for Publishers is down, removing ads from sites across the Web
I'm MCing the Droid World stage at #AppsWorld today, in the shadow of a giant Android.
I'm MCing the Droid World stage at #AppsWorld today, in the shadow of a giant Android.
Interesting collaboration between Tor and Mozilla >
Delighted to welcome @ow to The Next Web team full-time. It's been overdue!
Lots of big ideas and plans being discussed at #somasalon tonight. Can a salon be more than a talking shop?
If you heard a band was making a video with crowdsourced sex tapes... well, they've got to be Dutch, right?
I wonder how many London bands have been named Card Clash (or Kard Klash) since contactless payment cards started to be accept on the Tube.
Looking forward to being a judge for the #northerndigitalawards. Entries are open for a few more days:
It doesn't seem to matter what extra value Amazon adds to Prime, I still only use it for the next-day delivery >
RT @ow: first day at @thenextweb tomorrow 😀😵😀
Nice, Mailbox for iOS now has 'Tomorrow' and 'Archive' options in push notification banners. I'll be using 'Tomorrow' a lot.
Someone should write a book about the history and development of tech blogging. Maybe one day I'll do it if someone doesn't save me the job.
"It takes a lot to make a stew, especially when it's me and you..." Honestly, I think that song is never going to leave my brain.
Currently preparing to chair the Droid World stage at #AppsWorld in London on Wednesday. Free entry to that stage:
Someone just emailed me to tell me that they'd just emailed me.
Wow, Satya Nadella will have just annoyed a lot of journalists by talking about not very much for just eight minutes in his first UK speech.
End of an era. I remember seeing the T&A being printed through the huge, tinted windows at the offices in Bradford:
RT @tim_weber: Sir Bob Geldof says that he is going to do Band Aid again. #FutureDecoded
The Christmas TV ads, eggnog lattes and wearing a big jumper around the house have got to me – I'm starting to feel mildly Christmassy.
Yay, you can finally de-register iMessage from your phone number if you've switched from an iPhone >
Pulled pork soup. A pulled pork too far.