RT @matthewrex: New screenshot from Game of Thrones Season 5 (spoiler: shit gets weird): https://twitter.com/matthew...
RT @jaffathecake: "You're guilty of bribery!" "No I'm not!" "Yes you are!" "Would $100m change your mind?" "Why yes it would!" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news...
RT @haaretzcom: Israeli rabbi attacked visiting mall in Australia http://www.haaretz.com/jewish-...
RT @samirawiley: This one's for the lovers. https://twitter.com/samiraw...
There is only one major news site that both pro-Israelis and pro-Palestinians read http://qz.com/244620... via @qz
RT @adage: New York Times runs first marijuana ads http://creativity-online.com/abstrac...
RT @NewYorker: Slide Show: How bomb craters from WWII have become a part of Germany’s natural landscape http://www.newyorker.com/tech...
Schneider's Weiße Tap 5 – still one of the best Hefeweizen you can get.
Hm, season 2 of Orange Is The New Black got a few things I don't really like. #orangeisthenewblack
RT @4thEstateTim: Hahahah ich kann einfach nicht mehr @SPIEGELTV Anonymous.Kollektiv aka Rönsch Runde 2 #querfront #israel #wahnmachen https://twitter.com/4thEsta...
Reykjavík: We (@utzleben and me) are looking for a couch/bed/room/something from Aug 14 to Aug 17. Any ideas? Please RT.
Image being @CocaColaCo. And some of your shareholders run a website like this: http://fixbigsoda.com/
Hashtag bienchen.
RT @kay_siegert: Absolutely scary: The Insidiousness of Facebook Messenger's Mobile App Terms of Service http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sam-fio... Thanks @iA
RT @_dte: Request to change “Open in new tab” to “Never ever stumble across this link again”
RT @garwboy: Last night my mate asked to use a USB port to charge his cigarette, but I was using it to charge my book. The future is stupid.
I still want to marry @samirawiley!
RT @Pundamentalism: Back of my pizza box says, "contains three servings". Nice try, pizza box. Nice try.
RT @ladyxtel: Spot the Chinese handset manufacturers in the 2Q'14 graph. Clue: It's 6 out of 13 brands https://intelligence.businessi... https://twitter.com/ladyxte...
RT @SkyNewsBreak: Reuters: UN Secretary-General says strike on #Gaza school "moral outrage" & "criminal act" & adds those responsible must be held accountable
Why boarding an airplane feels unfair and chaotic http://qz.com/239424...
We should have more dates wearing a bow tie.
RT @tschoof: So my grandmother is gone getting her kitchen scale to see how much lighter the iPad Air is than the original one
#latergram Negroni — 1 part gin, 1 part sweet vermouth, 1/2 part Campari, ice http://instagram.com/p...
»Ich bin der Musikant mit Taschenrechner in der Hand.«
We should all drink less.
Letzte Klausur, letztes Mal in der Uni. (@ Brand Academy in Hamburg) https://t.co/6WOCky2PJd
RT @PSFK: Photo Essay Documents Crowds Watching the World Cup http://www.psfk.com/2014...
RT @designtaxi: 100 definitions of branding from the industry’s insiders http://designtaxi.com/news...