mlewis106 on The Illuminati are fucking with Tom Cruise -
"I was convinced that was Dick Cheney handing the envelope to Cruise." - Mike Lewis
mlewis106 on American soldiers take cover on the Nibelungen bridge over the Rhine River, as German snipers on the opposite bank of the Rhine take aim. Worms, Germany. 28 March 1945. [629×800]. -
"My great uncle died 3 days before this in Germany. He was in a recon unit and they were scoping out Nazi forces. 16th Calvary." - Mike Lewis
mlewis106 on New Hair -
"This is clearly Prince!" - Mike Lewis
mlewis106 on Introducing Ingress to non-gamers ... How? -
"You can take the angle of having that player make it a point to visit as many unique portals as possible and learning about the city they live in. It's a start to hopefully making them rinse and repeat." - Mike Lewis
mlewis106 on It's a beautiful day at Bell Aisle! -
mlewis106 on this is posted in a VCU bathroom... don't know what else to say about it. -
"And flush." - Mike Lewis
Hi Friendfeed! Bye Friendfeed :(
mlewis106 on An aisle of SPAM in Kailua, Hawaii -
"/r/foodporn" - Mike Lewis
mlewis106 on Well played Facebook. -
"Nice." - Mike Lewis
mlewis106 on The Starbucks #RaceTogether management team behind the 'celebate diversity' discussions! -
"They look like white house staffers. Super diverse there too." - Mike Lewis
mlewis106 on Rage. -
"Windex has worked for me too in a pinch." - Mike Lewis
mlewis106 on Sri Lanka in the 1520s [2441 × 3257] -
"I love Kotte Kandy!" - Mike Lewis
mlewis106 on You may leave now. -
"And I bid you a good day." - Mike Lewis
mlewis106 on Myanmar started bombing Yunnan, China yesterday. 4 Lincang area farmers were killed. -
"Why am I reading about this in /r/tea and none of my regular news outlets? Hoping for safety and calm in the region." - Mike Lewis
mlewis106 on Unmelted snow in shadow of tree -
"But does everyone see white ribbons of snow on gold rocks or blue snow against black rocks?" - Mike Lewis
"Clearly a fake. There are neither Verizon logoS on the front nor a screenshot of 900000 bloat apps they put on their devices." - Mike Lewis
mlewis106 on Some kind of insect nest... thing... I found at work. -
"It looks like some kind of praying mantis pod but I'm probably way off as well as being way fascinated." - Mike Lewis
mlewis106 on A blue glowing orb going back and forth -
"It's the dubstep of gifs." - Mike Lewis
mlewis106 on Just started playing Minecraft this week. Saw this on the drive home tonight and immediately thought "I need to get inside." -
"Don't stare too long at that enderman in the woods and either." - Mike Lewis
mlewis106 on Doug the Pug with Tongue Part 2 -
"I have a feeling there are an unlimited supply of Doug the Pug with tongue shots. :)" - Mike Lewis
mlewis106 on So Chipotle's Twitter account got hacked again and jesus christ...the tweets :o -
"When will they find that hacker 4chan?" - Mike Lewis
mlewis106 on I'm Patient -
"I know and that's all I can see now." - Mike Lewis
mlewis106 on ENL throw a seemingly impenetrable field over Eastern VA -
"Active members of the military aren't even allowed, it's been tried. The recruit answer is an easy one until the cheater who hides behind a wall to farm uses those xmp's on your farms." - Mike Lewis
mlewis106 on Art! -
"Almost..." - Mike Lewis
mlewis106 on ENL throw a seemingly impenetrable field over Eastern VA -
"There are several portals inside of a base here in Richmond that only a Res agent can get to. We've petitioned for months/now years to get those removed and to no avail. Their reasoning is that it's "accessible" even though it is certainly not accessible." - Mike Lewis
mlewis106 on Travel apps (2015) -
"I book on Kayak, put my itinerary on Tripit and lately I'm using Google Now a lot for checking in and using tickets. I still check in with swarm and use yelp to find places of interest." - Mike Lewis
mlewis106 on Battle of Yorktown -
"If you're a history buff, Virginia is loaded with great things. I live in Richmond. I would suggest tracking Washington through Westmoreland and Stafford Counties as well as Mount Vernon. If you go to Yorktown, make sure you check out Jamestown and Williamsburg as well. And that's just the Revolutionary War stuff." - Mike Lewis
mlewis106 on Del. Morrissey wins back his 74th district House seat - NBC12 - WWBT -
"I'm convinced he could have been indited on something way worse and still would have won. Because blind dog." - Mike Lewis
mlewis106 on My Preferred Method of Trash Disposal -
"So lava and water aren't green?" - Mike Lewis
mlewis106 on NSFW CRING+ 1000 - GORE -
"He is borg. Nuff said." - Mike Lewis
mlewis106 on Any Resistance Players in Washington, DC? -
"Yeah, there's a few." - Mike Lewis
mlewis106 on Found this in the fridge while visiting my mom. -
"There's really only one way to find out." - Mike Lewis