The 30,000 emails were sent between 2010 and 2012.
@BuzzFeedAndrew Broadwell will be a contributing producer for Homeland season 3.
AP: "Panetta says he ordered a Pentagon investigation of Allen on Monday."
RT @washingtonpost: #BREAKINGNEWS: FBI probe into Petraeus sex scandal expands to Gen. John R. Allen
WaPo: "FBI has uncovered between 20,000 and 30,000 pages of “potentially inappropriate” emails between Gen John Allen and Jill Kelley."
Holy moly.... RT @ABC: FBI probe into Petraeus sex scandal now includes Gen. John R. Allen
Obama got 1.9 million less votes in 2012 in California than he did in '08.
RT @Redistrict: Great OH analysis: MT Obama campaign's Ohio "firewall" strategy isn't looking great, either @electionate
RT @ezraklein: "There are now about a dozen local currency systems around the country"
RT @JedediahBila: Great segment on Hannity w/ Melissa Joan Hart.Very important for young people to see young Hollywood speak out in favor of GOP/conservatives
RT @BreakingNews: FBI spokeswoman: FBI is at the North Carolina home of Paula Broadwell, woman who had an affair with David Petraeus - @CNN
RT @DianneG: Dozens of people showing up to Paula Broadwells home now--- carrying boxes and bags inside. @wcnc for more info
Ummm.... WTH ---> An FBI AGENT reportedly sent shirtless photos of himself to a woman involved in the Petraeus case.
Broadwell's Ghostwriter: 'I always wondered why he was granting her access that he did'
PLEASE NO -> Susan Rice being considered for Secretary of State
Washington Post reports that John Kerry is being considered for the position of Defense Secretary, not State Secretary.
RT @CNNPolitics: Ryan says Obama won 'fair and square,' describes loss as 'foreign experience'
ABCNews: FBI Deemed Petraeus Affair Part of Criminal, Not Intel Probe
RT @KatrinaTrinko: Georgia?! RT @DylanByers: Had dinner with some Dems the other night. This is the 2016 map they're talking about.
RT @jonkarl: I will be interviewing Paul Ryan tomorrow -- his first national intv since the election.
RT @michellemalkin: ICYMI: Cringe-inducing: Bill Kristol argues that raising taxes on millionaires ‘won’t kill the country’==>
Go Greta! RT @mediaite: Greta Van Susteren Scolds Katrina Vanden Heuvel On ABC For Taking A Shot At Fox News (VIDEO)
King on Petraeus scandal: This is a “crisis of major proportions”
RT @joshledermanAP: .@AP just called the #AZ09 race for @kyrstensinema, defeating @VernonBParker in Phoenix-area district
RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: UPDATE: GOP calls for ethics investigation into Bob Menendez...
RT @JedediahBila: Emails from dummy accounts operated by Petraeus' mistress triggered probes, sources say: via @foxnewspolitics
RT @michellemalkin: Emetic of the day: Lady parts-peddler @LenaDunham is Glamour's "Woman of the Year" ==>
CBO releases final budget totals for FY2012: another $1.1 trillion deficit, biggest deficit since World War II
Petraeus reportedly began affair shortly after becoming CIA director, a 'friend' claims
The Hard Fiscal Facts: Individual tax payments are up 26% in the last two years -
Congress should subpoena Gen. Petraeus over Benghazi attack - http://communities.washingtont...