RT @gfrog: 这队形略屌 RT @SpoofChina: APEC普京的车队!你妈逼习近平恢复取消十年了的国宾摩托车队,一下子占足双向六个车道!当初取消摩托车队的原因,就是怕占道过多严重堵塞北京交通的!!“@raykwong: http://t.co/tlYtvLPL7w”
RT @freemoren: 奥巴马总统在亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会宣布,中国人赴美签证年限将延长,旅游商业签证可延长至10年,学生签证延长至5年。
RT @cathayan: http://insecam.com/ 全球没设或没改密码的摄像头。。。
RT @StarKnight: 看表情,两位都有点别别扭扭。 https://twitter.com/StarKni...
RT @paveo: 有啥硬件能把家里固话变成手机app上电话呢。。
RT @nytchinese: 【纪思道:奥巴马莫对习近平时代的中国示弱】习近平统治中国已经两年了,他对经济和法律改革表现出一些愿意的倾向。两年前,我以为习近平会开放一些事情。天啊,我真是大错特措了!不仅没有开放,而且似乎日益清楚的是,他是一个强硬的民族主义者。 http://cn.nytimes.com/opinion...
RT @bspegele: NYT, Twitter both unblocked inside APEC media center. Bloomberg still doesn't seem to work though.
推上的二逼货还不少嘛 ,那些 @fangshimin 的粉, 与你们同族真是大悲哀。
RT @esa: #Soyuz TMA-13M crew safely back on Earth and all three crew looking well after 165 days in space. https://twitter.com/esa...
RT @csa_asc: Thank you @astro_reid and @astro_alex for performing science on behalf of Canadian scientists! #BPReg #RadiN2 http://www.asc-csa.gc.ca/eng...
RT @elakdawalla: RT @nivnac: Oppy sol 3837: Drove another 66m towards the summit of Cape tribulation. #MERB #Mars https://twitter.com/nivnac...
RT @JPMajor: Landing 10:58pm EST MT @ISS101: Planned times: Hatch Closure: 21:00 UTC, Undocking 0:31, Deorbit Burn 3:05, Re-Entry 3:35, Landing 3:58 UTC
RT @astro_reid: What a ride it has been. 166 days in #space, time for me @astro_alex @msuraev to head home. https://twitter.com/astro_r...
RT @Shark8964: 德國朋友用燈光,紀念25年前人民去摧毀分隔人民的柏林圍牆。 #柏林 #圍牆 https://twitter.com/Shark89...
RT @Basma_: Palestinian youths appear through a hole they dug in Israeli separation wall to mark Berlin wall collapse [AFP] https://twitter.com/Basma_...
RT @ZhouFengSuo: 前往臺北。今晚7點聚會,阿才的店,臺北中正區仁愛路二段41巷17號,吾爾凱西 @wuerkaixi 王丹 @wangdan1989 做東。歡迎推友前來,請預先告知。 https://twitter.com/ZhouFen...
"The London Internet Church is a gathered global community that meets online to worship, enquire, encourage and pray" http://londoninternetchurch.org.uk/...
RT @NickKristof: The head of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is said to have been critically wounded in a US air strike: http://english.alarabiya.net/en...
RT @NickKristof: China also refusing to give me a visa, along with NYT colleagues. A sign of Xi's tough nationalism http://www.nytimes.com/2014...
RT @yyfcxo: 白马浪子提供图片。 https://twitter.com/yyfcxo...
"澳門亦是世界上人口密度最高的地區,每平方公里人口達2萬[4]。" https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki...
RT @joshuawong1013: 有關今晚金鐘衝突一事,我會在Facebook Page回應。
新的27吋iMac要价 18000元,有点贵,有点贵啊。。。。
RT @rewoIf: 「把自己會的東西,用簡單的語言教會不懂的人」,這並不是一件容易的事 你在你的世界裡,用你自以為再簡單不過的話,解釋了一大堆,對別人來說,那就像是來自另一個星球的,鬼話。
RT @hancocktom: Just followed China propaganda minister Liu Qibao around China state media APEC booths, he was applauded by fawning journalists and editors
RT @beidaijin: 持证上网时代~北京晨报:公安部自主研发“网络身份证”技术,建立起全国唯一的“公安部公民网络身份识别系统”。在不久的将来,也许人们能拥有一张像“居民身份证”那样权威、统一、普适性的“网络身份证”。目前,公安部已广泛开展应用试点,2012年在北京邮电大学发放了近3万张网络身份证
RT @WilliamsJon: 25 years after #BerlinWall fell, 8,000 balloons light up Germany's capital - tracing route of wall (Pic: @Reuters) https://twitter.com/William...
RT @AmazonVideo: Oscar-winning film Fiddler on the Roof is now on Prime Instant Video: http://www.amazon.com/Fiddler... https://twitter.com/AmazonV...