RT @elakdawalla: Updated my blog entry with the amazing OSIRIS image http://www.planetary.org/blogs... (Also, our website was down; it's back up) https://twitter.com/elakdaw...
RT @neiltyson: Yup. We’re soft landing on a comet today. Normally my “We” means @NASA. But in this case it’s @ESA, the European Space Agency
RT @ESA_Rosetta: I see you too @philae2014! Here you are in my OSIRIS camera - legs out! #CometLanding https://twitter.com/ESA_Ros...
RT @SpaceflightNow: Rosetta's view of Philae heading toward an historic #CometLanding! https://twitter.com/Spacefl...
RT @HistoryInPics: Fidel Castro in Central Park, New York, 1955 https://twitter.com/History...
RT @rewoIf: 6年前,爸媽從高雄來看在臺北工作的我和姊姊 看了我們租的房子,吃了平常我們會去的小吃攤 爸爸說:「臺北這麼貴的房租和生活開銷,如果一個月薪水不到3萬塊的人,是要喝水過日子嗎?」 這麼多年過去了,食物更貴了,房租也沒有跌吧,領22k的人還很多吧!我不知道他們過的是不是喝水的日子
RT @astro_reid: Many asking...#FF on Wednesday: @AstroTerry who launches next week and @astro_kjell who launches in May and is a fellow 2009 classmate.
RT @GreatFireChina: Apple strikes again, removes HK newspaper app from the China app store - no recourse, no transparency https://t.co/tfRtfPC3vM
RT @Vela1680: 电影院门口一大堆各个网站的取票机 大家都在做一样的事 这叫创业? https://twitter.com/Vela168...
RT @xiexue7: 新加坡成功的关键,是英国人留下的法治制度,而不是什么儒家文化。——李光耀
RT @MalcolmMoore: So there will be a Xi Obama press conference. 11.40am at the GHOP
RT @esaoperations: Next expected Go/NoGo – confirming Lander health – is now expected at abt 02:35 GMT/03:35 CET #CometLanding
RT @PekingMike: "President Xi", fresh from hosting world leaders in Beijing, now pushing for democracy and LGBT rights in HK
RT @UberFacts: Reading reduces stress by 68 percent — more than listening to music or taking a walk.
RT @NASA_Orion: The Orion team has confirmed that we're go for rollout. The 6 hour, 22 mile trip will take #Orion to @ulalaunch pad 37.
RT @PekingMike: Xi Dada is the only person in sight inside Causeway Bay occupy site right now. As APEC ends, final days? https://twitter.com/PekingM...
RT @tax_free: 人民幣並非國際流通,那手持幾千萬人民幣點換出國?最方便的做法,就是以買香港樓香港股票的名義,先把人民幣換成港幣。一變成港幣就萬事好辦了。因此,人民幣要出境,一定要先經你香港這個水掣。
RT @ChuBailiang: In spirit of Xi age, APEC dining set is in imperial yellow and needs an engineering degree. http://slide.news.sina.com.cn/c... https://twitter.com/ChuBail...
RT @zmt0516: 感谢大家们对我的关心,我只想说,很多话我暂时不能说,你们懂的
RT @hnjhj: 发现一款内涵宝贝,价廉物美,欲购从速 http://item.taobao.com/item...
RT @wuyagege: 最神奇的是买家和卖家都似乎没意识到设计的妙处…… 一本正经的无知。RT @hnjhj: 发现一款内涵宝贝,价廉物美,欲购从速 http://item.taobao.com/item...
RT @CNBCtech: "The number today, I'm happy about that." -- Alibaba's Jack Ma to @davidfaber on 2014's #SinglesDay • $BABA https://twitter.com/CNBCtec...
RT @CNBC: BREAKING: Alibaba Singles Day sales exceed $9 billion, the company says. http://www.cnbc.com/id... • $BABA
RT @f1shage: WMF锅具7件套99刀,9件套119刀,GILT满USD100免费直邮国内。不含税,可支付宝,银联卡付款http://www.gilt.com/sale...
RT @cjjosh: Worst Star Trek movie ever #APEC https://twitter.com/cjjosh...
RT @freemoren: RT @bbcchinese: 在一个文革影响如此深重的国家,如果没有对于文革深入的研究和反思,不能让公众和后代正确评价文革对中国所有方面带来的几乎是毁灭性的影响,那么文革重来只会是个时间问题。 http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwe...
RT @MariaRepnikova: While China is trying to charm the world w #APEC2014 Russia wants no charms by cutting foreign media coverage. CNN leaving Russia.
RT @doubleaf: 中国人赴美B-1/B-2签证有效期已经延长到10年,F1/F2, J1/J2, M1/M2签证有效期已经延长至5年。H1B依然是1年。。。。http://travel.state.gov/content...
RT @Kunshou: 宣传部的都是弱智吗?普京为彭丽媛披外套这种新闻怎么能删呢,这一删成了“外套门”了,说不清楚了。 https://twitter.com/Kunshou...
RT @NickKristof: Out on the Pacific Crest Trail, a southbound thru-hiker still heading on toward Mexico--and blogging: https://t.co/UDkWQx0uMy
RT @NASA_Orion: I'm Stu McClung, #Orion engineer. Today I'll take over Orion's account for our rollout operation. https://twitter.com/NASA_Or...
RT @astro_reid: Saying goodbye to an amazing friend and crewmate. @astro_alex heads to #Germany, I'm westbound to the #USA https://twitter.com/astro_r...