I managed to do this by editing the Playback_to_Lineout.sh usage script so that the value after 'HPOUT2L Input 1' is AIF2RX1 and 'HPOUT2R Input 1' is AIF2RX2. I then ran that modified script and the SPDIF_record.sh usage script.
- Ted Roden
The entirety of V carries a similar John Hughes-by way of-Saturdays=Youth vibe, albeit one viewed thru the lens of The Breakfast Club’s “weirdo” Ally Sheedy character rather than Molly Ringwald. - http://tedroden.tumblr.com/post...
I try to get to a Mets game if they’re in town, because they have a great ticket plan: If you buy one, you get one free; if you buy two, they let you pitch. - http://tedroden.tumblr.com/post...