Re: Tokyo | Brian Lovin -
"Great shots! Enjoy the trip. I had an absolute blast in Japan." - Paul Stamatiou
Re: Traveling and photography (Part 1) -
"Yeah I used an app called GPSLogger on Android. Surprisingly battery efficient for something that takes your location every X minutes that you specify." - Paul Stamatiou
Re: Traveling and photography (Part 1) -
"I actually just use my timbuk2 with a separate timbuk2 camera sleeve I can remove when not needed. If you search above (long article I know!) i mentinoed it" - Paul Stamatiou
Re: Developing a responsive, Retina-friendly site (Part 2) -
"Hey Rob, I actually use a Jekyll collections to have a separate photo post type (this lets me easily find only photo blogs instead of querying through all posts for a certain category, etc) and inside of each post I have YAML I use for the header photo and for twitter cards images, but the rest is just regular HTML inside of the post" - Paul Stamatiou
Re: Getting started with drones — -
"Awesome, glad you enjoyed it!" - Paul Stamatiou
Re: Getting started with drones — -
"The gimbal only has a certain range of motion in terms of degrees but you can set where that range of motion begins in the desktop Phantom app while connected to your phantom via usb" - Paul Stamatiou
Re: Getting started with drones — -
"Yes I purposefully did not go with the Vision+ (mentioned above). I wanted the ability to modify/change the camera, transmitter and display as new ones came out. Also the ability to use the camera (GoPro) separately. I also found the video quality on the GoPro to be much better." - Paul Stamatiou
Re: Hosting on S3 with CloudFront — -
"I do entire backups of everything I have on S3 frequently." - Paul Stamatiou
Re: Getting started with drones — -
"I didn't mean to mention every single quadcopter out there in my list. Just wanted a few examples in each category. The Blade 350 is largely a Phantom 2 clone, so I didn't want to mention 2 very-similar quads. As for return to home, you can do this in the Phantom by flipping to failsafe mode (if you have enabled Naza in the software). As for the AR Drone, I feel like that's a bit too much of a toy and didn't want to mention it" - Paul Stamatiou
Re: Provide meaning with motion — -
"placement is a bit annoying, was going to redesign it to have the header come down and adapt a bit instead of that little card" - Paul Stamatiou
Re: Provide meaning with motion — -
"yes, glad you like it!" - Paul Stamatiou
The new signed-out homepage (April 2014) -
Re: Hosting on S3 with CloudFront — -
How To: Hosting on Amazon S3 with CloudFront -
Re: Bijan Sabet - About to buy the Samsung Galaxy S4 but... -
"Glad you enjoyed my post Bijan. We'll see on you on the Android side soon enough :)" - Paul Stamatiou
Re: New UI Pattern: Website Loading Bars -
"That's funny, I use the same paradigm but for scroll depth on long articles. Example: I believe another online publication does the same. Forgot the name, will try to post when I remember it." - Paul Stamatiou
Re: Yahoo’s stupid-gorgeous Weather app launches on Android -
"Can you link to the google play store link?" - Paul Stamatiou
Re: Android is not better than iOS, it’s just different -
"Great to see another perspective! Thanks for sharing Stefan." - Paul Stamatiou
Re: The most convincing article I’ve read on why it’s time to switch from iOS to Android -
"will do, thanks!" - Paul Stamatiou
Re: The most convincing article I’ve read on why it’s time to switch from iOS to Android -
"I wasn't explicitly trying to put down iOS. I just wanted to talk about Android. There are too many Android bashing iOS posts. I just wanted to show my take on Android and not mention too many "vs iOS" points." - Paul Stamatiou
Re: The most convincing article I’ve read on why it’s time to switch from iOS to Android -
"and lulz" - Paul Stamatiou
Re: The most convincing article I’ve read on why it’s time to switch from iOS to Android -
"I do it for the trolls" - Paul Stamatiou
Re: The most convincing article I’ve read on why it’s time to switch from iOS to Android -
"Thanks for sharing guys!" - Paul Stamatiou
Re: PSA: Stock Android HTC One and Samsung S4 Go On Sale Today -
"where can we buy them? will they appear on the play store" - Paul Stamatiou
Parlez-vous Get-In-My-Belly -