Hey @Microsoft_EDU and @TeachTec some folks at my alma mater are in the tank for Google. Better hit them up :-) cc: @CCNMTL
Giant advertorial in @NYTImes by Netflix (ad for "Orange is the New Black") http://paidpost.nytimes.com/netflix...
.@NYTimes writes scathing takedown of Kansas' crazy governor Brownback. Thus will, of course, help him win reelection http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014...
Giant advertorial in @NYTImes by Netflix (ad for "Orange is the New Black") http://paidpost.nytimes.com/netflix...
Interesting. http://www.vox.com/ has no provision for comments.
Do you know anyone in their 20s? Are you stunned by how much time they spend photographing themselves?
Here's something fun we can do! Stop buying Samsung products until they stop relying on child labor. http://www.nytimes.com/2014...
"Is it hard yet, baby?" If you've never seen "Romeo Is Bleeding" do yourself a favor http://www.youtube.com/watch... via @YouTube
Just what I always wanted, indeed: the luminous Mari Wilson is on Twitter (as @MissBeehive)!
.@simonlon @HarvardHBS @HarvardBiz Invoking the Enlightenment to justify the PR hijacking of journalism? That takes some big (dense) balls.
Here's something fun we can do: stop buying Samsung products until they stop relying on child labor! http://www.nytimes.com/2014...
Lamenting the fact that my goal of an intellectual life has been reduced to trading clever quips with strangers on Twitter. *sigh*
"A" for effort: NYT's @qhardy hilariously shoehorns a pitch for Chromebooks into report on robust (real) PC sales http://mobile.nytimes.com/blogs...
This should give you an idea of how threatening privacy is to Google: http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2014...
In the past week I've read a memoir by John Updike and watched a film about @KathleenHanna and marveled that they both met up in my head :-)
RT @rahulsood: Today, Amazon rolled out products that compete with services from startups that use Amazon’s cloud infrastructure. Something to ponder.
O! Brave New World: @Samsung products built with child labor http://www.nytimes.com/2014...
RT @JournalismLib: For photos of NYC buildings & area history, check the NYC Municipal Archives' online gallery: http://nycma.lunaimaging.com/luna... #nyc @nycrecords #cuj15
"A" for effort: NYT's @qhardy hilariously shoehorns an ad for Chromebooks into report on robust (real) PC sales http://mobile.nytimes.com/blogs...
RT @maryjofoley: Reading Satya Nadella's e-mail missive to all Microsoft employees. Here are my takeaways: http://www.zdnet.com/microso...
Nadella letter to the troops helps explain why Azure/Services development has been on fire while WinPhone languished http://www.microsoft.com/en-us...
It's sounding more and more like this Kantar report rang the death knell for @WindowsPhone http://techcrunch.com/2014...
Does it even make sense anymore to speak of a @Microsoft mobile strategy? http://winsupersite.com/windows...
For any Windows Phone fans pinning hopes on Gartner's recent predictions, they have a lousy track record... http://www.macobserver.com/tmo...
For any Windows Phone users pinning hopes on Gartner's recent predictions, they have a lousy track record... http://www.macobserver.com/tmo...
The more the weirdo Google founders speak in public, the deeper PR hole they dig for themselves: http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014...
RT @RealFayeDunaway: Back in the #gym with my trainer @JORGENDEMEY ... Getting ready for my #film comeback. Thanks to everyone who has stuck with me.
RT @emilybell: Really clear (and accurate) outline from @chrismoranuk about what right to be forgotten actually means for Google http://www.theguardian.com/technol...
Confused. Remind me what The Potato Salad Guy is disrupting..?
RT @jackschofield: Are doctors confused by statistics? at @BBCNewsMagazine ~ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news... ~ YES, except for @bengoldacre
RT @robmanuel: It's 2014 - where's my hoverboard? Actually fuck hoverboards, where's a living wage for all, free education and affordable housing?
World's oldest dirty graffiti is a brag about gay sex ;-) http://www.theguardian.com/science...