RT @tomsteinfort: Are world leaders meeting at APEC or a Star Trek convention?! https://twitter.com/tomstei...
RT @johnnycrawford: He passed away 22 years ago today, and I will always cherish the memories of our long friendship. He lived life... https://www.facebook.com/photo...
RT @admirim: Don’t fool yourself about “the other side” — everyone is selfish when it comes to politics http://www.vox.com/2014...
Techies going nuts over Obama call for net regulation, ignoring implications of election held 6 days ago. <eyeroll/>
Obama just signed an agreement making Chinese tourism to US easier. As a New Yorker, I can't tell you how happy this makes me.
The @VerizonWireless HTC One M8 exclusive ends today. Now, let's see how quickly Lumia Cyan rolls out. Testing a theory.
Quality of tech writing at @NYTimes is abysmal. Their latest embarrassment: http://www.iab.net/iablog...
There are now 357 people in NYC being monitored for Ebola. http://www.bloomberg.com/news...
"Farhad Manjoo has built a lengthy piece on a ridiculous premise..." Ouch. http://www.iab.net/iablog...
.@pmarca Their business can't thrive w/out Google? Should be of interest to EU regulators. Well-played Axel Springer.
RT @PaulMcCartney: The #LindaMcCartney Retrospective opened in Seoul today. One featured image is this photo of @johnlennon and @yokoono https://twitter.com/PaulMcC...
RT @AdamDawes575: RSS Central v2.13 for #WindowsPhone is available to download now. Bug fixes this time, but there's more coming soon. https://twitter.com/AdamDaw...
RT @arcadiy: Everyone will claim this/every election marks some landmark political shift. In reality it's almost always just this: https://twitter.com/NBCNews...
Who will be Google's Ida Tarbell? Generations of fame awaits them. http://www.poynter.org/mediawi...
"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard." H. L. Mencken
RT @CJR: Satire on Facebook now comes with a disclosure http://www.cjr.org/behind_... https://twitter.com/CJR...
Once again, I am reminded that the internet is not for debate -- nor even clever repartee. It is for affirmation.
Nanotwit (noun) [na-no-twit] 1. The duration in time from delivery of an unwelcome tweet to being blocked and/or muted by recipient.
Nanotwit (noun) [na-no-twit] 1. the duration in time from
RT @lindarottenberg: End of an era :-( NY's famous indie bookstore Shakespeare & Co is closing after three decades: http://gothamist.com/2014...
Wow. @clairecm writes 1300 words on futility of home delivery, fails to mention Google is now in this business http://www.nytimes.com/2014...
Don Pardo has left the booth... http://screencrush.com/don-par...
Kinda' stunned by all the really smart people who don't see the web was never meant to be an app platform and SPAs are, by definition, nuts.
Satya Nadella's first dumb move: XBox Studios could end up part of YouTube http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news...
I'm avoiding news about Ferguson, not because I'm disinterested but because, as a New Yorker, it's too familiar http://www.ratdiary.com/2008...
RT @JohnFDaley: Scrolling through Netflix's "recently added" is like constantly going back to your fridge, hoping you'll find something new in there.
Russia is methodically invading Ukraine and it barely registers in the news. http://www.foreignpolicy.com/article...
An apartment recently sold in Manhattan for $50 million, but we have no public lavatories. http://www.nytimes.com/2014...
I sometimes envy those who can pass through life w/o a shred of self-awareness. Then I think: trolls! http://buzzmachine.com/2014...
I just learned that Ian Fleming made a cameo appearance in an episode of the "The Prisoner" ("The General"). Fun.