Still bawl my eyes out at Titanic. And still get super frustrated that Jack doesn't get on the fricken bit of wood.
Still bawl my eyes out at Titanic. And still get super frustrated that Jack doesn't get on the fricken but of wood.
Watching Titanic in 3D ... I wonder if it ends the same ...............
I had a dream last night that a crocodile swam past me, got out of the water, turned into a T-Rex and started eating a chicken #meaning ??
Fabulous morning ☀️❤️☀️☺️❤️
BEST SHOW EVER. #offspring ❤️❤️❤️
if I sold everything I own, maybe I could afford to produce one more episode of #offspring #justonemore #lovethisshow
I don't want it to ever end ❤️ #offspring .... EVER 😭
Getting Mr10 to work on an illustration for my next tattoo.
Mr10s latest masterpiece #brilliant ❤️🐥
You know when you meet someone on a professional basis but you just know you could have been really good friends ... Only you can't be 😭
Just ran my first five kms in 13 months. Slow, but consistent. Booking a "fun" run is good motivation.
Mr10 with a chunk of ice. Notice the shorts #nobrainnopain
FARK .... Now that's cold. Brrrrrr @stufromoz :)
Hello 2AM.
I love love love your dress tonight @BickmoreCarrie! ❤️ Designer? #happybirthday10 #50yearsyoung
They guard my coffee machine, all proud to protect #Lego
Quite happy to stay in bed .... 😁
Then again, who would know that they're your secrets except for you?
My Failed Alcohol Free Friday Night Selfie #agoodbottlein
My Failed Alcohol Free Friday Night Selfie #agoodbottlein
So so so cold. ❄️⛄️❄️⛄️❄️
Snowing around the traps today and I'm fist punching the air because I convinced Mr10 to at least wear a jumper with his shorts.
Pissing with rain.
Damn sexy voices.
Totally #teamleo .... Ever since the airport ❤️ @pattybrammall #Offspring
I have a visitor in my front yard. Two of them actually. Eating their breakfast amongst my vines ☺️
Fucking Candy Crush.
Frustrated because I can remember the dream I had last night in vivid detail, except I can't remember who the other main character was!