soulhacker on EIL5 about SWK/Aughild/Depth diggers/eye of peshkov -
"Absolutely. If I have descent Witching Hour and Peshkov I will certainly drop Inna but for now I cannot see why Inna is bad for SWK build." - Neo Lee
soulhacker on How important is Peshkov really? -
"If you have descent SWK ammy (e.g. it has high CDMG and a socket) then yes, sure it does. Otherwise you should better choose a good immune amulet or Hellfire amulet instead." - Neo Lee
soulhacker on Electrified, why it is currently a problem and possible solutions -
"Don't think it's a real solution to that game design problem. BTW, your zDPS guide is really amazing!" - Neo Lee
soulhacker on Sunwuko Monk - Why am I not better? -
"I think that 129308210938x easier means mandatory…" - Neo Lee
soulhacker on New hotfixes now live: buffed Key of Trials drop rate, more blood shards in GR (scaling with tier), drastically increased bounty-specific legendary drop rate (scaling with difficulty), no more Cesspools in GR, and pet kills proc Boon of the Hoarder -
"Not very clear about the Key of Trial change: wasn't it a 100% drop? I got a key each time finished a NR on T6… Or more than one key will drop now?" - Neo Lee
soulhacker on Why pain enhancer over bane of the powerful?! I've searched high and low and haven't found a great answer. -
"Yes sure. But whether it is as good as 15% elite damage and almost full coverage of 20% flat damage bonus is still undetermined. Or have I missed some test there?" - Neo Lee
soulhacker on Why pain enhancer over bane of the powerful?! I've searched high and low and haven't found a great answer. -
"I think this is a problem of balance. We should test and find out the bottleneck of our character and use gems as tools to balance. For now my most comfortable combinations are: Mirinae+Gogok+BoP. And I will keep testing other gems while I try to upgrade all of them to level 25. In patch 2.1 many mechanism and gear synergy have been added and we need time to build up new profiling." - Neo Lee
soulhacker on Electrified Observations: -
"Can't agree more. Electrified basically is the hopeless affix for me now, and the RG with it is a real pain in the ass. Reflect damage is also annoying, I feel it harder to handle than before but hey, at lease we can hit them when the affix is off and run. Arcane enchanted is another hopeless affix for me. Meet a group of elites with that in a narrow environment I have to bypass them since the immune ammy is not my normal GR gear. Elites can be very hard but players should have tools/strategy to counter them, or it will become anti-fun. In the meta of GR, these affixes is a bit far from fun, just in my opinion." - Neo Lee
soulhacker on PSA: Kill Greed slow. He summons treasure goblins. -
"Yes they do. And you cannot interrupt." - Neo Lee
soulhacker on Question about in-game mechanism, related to SWK builds -
"Yep that's exactly what my feeling. Hope some cool guy do some test on FD :)" - Neo Lee
soulhacker on Question about in-game mechanism, related to SWK builds -
"Thanks that will help!" - Neo Lee
soulhacker on Question about in-game mechanism, related to SWK builds -
"From my playing experience these couple of days I also feel that most of the gems' proc are % based and without ICD, thanks for confirmation. FD is still a mystery but anyway it's amazing now. For Gaeguk I meant, is the +% plus to the other armor +% or multiple to?" - Neo Lee
Hearthstone Top 5 Plays of the Week Episode 34 -
soulhacker on X-files meets hearthstone -
"Dat "greetings" has never been so true!" - Neo Lee
soulhacker on Deck Kolento used to climb to #1 -
"Just seen RDU used this deck 3:0 Trump in Heroes of Cards Invitational." - Neo Lee
soulhacker on Poll: hardest heroic boss (for naxx cardback owners) -
"Cleared all heroic bosses and the hardest three are (in order): - Gothik the Harvester - Sapphiron - Grobbulus" - Neo Lee
soulhacker on Hearthstone Game Boy Edition -
"No details from devs ever. But consider that HS is based on Unity, which is a cross-platform game engine, there would not be too big gap between Android phones and iPhone editions, I guess." - Neo Lee
soulhacker on Hearthstone Game Boy Edition -
"They mentioned in a late event (final episode of Value Town maybe) that they are working on it but still no detail nor ETA." - Neo Lee
soulhacker on Hearthstone Game Boy Edition -
"Same here. Small screens are completely viable for card games sine then. We need iPhone edition desperately now!" - Neo Lee
soulhacker on Hearthstone Game Boy Edition -
"Oh that's amazing! Hope the iPhone edition brings some surprise…" - Neo Lee
soulhacker on HyperX Invitational by WellPlayed Productions - Day 1 -
"I also wish more qualifiers' wins. But…that name is a bit hard to remember for non-Germans isn't it?" - Neo Lee
soulhacker on Hearthstone dev says next expansion will be ~100 cards & cards will be bought through booster packs -
"Meta in HS always lagging for several weeks (from card release/change). Developing new synergy and tuning decks needs time man!" - Neo Lee
soulhacker on Cooler Master Presents: Amaz vs StrifeCro in a Bo7 for $1,000! -
"Seems these 2 amazing players have never met in high level tournament? And it's a BO7! Oh I can't wait to see it!" - Neo Lee
soulhacker on Hello Community! I work for Hearthstone NEL Chinese Super League, I’m here to introduce this super cool Championship Series to you guys! -
"The format is interesting and English casting would be absolutely amazing!" - Neo Lee
Deadly Zoology (Amaz vs. Veev) -
Kripparrian in a nutshell. -
Hearthstone: Trump's Opinion on All Naxxramas Cards -
Amaz Creation: Death Knight Concept -
soulhacker on Curse Of Naxxramas interview: "We're keeping an eye on Zoo" - PC Gamer interview with Ben Brode and Jason Chayes. I spoke to them about the new cards, the threat of bots, spectator mode, whether Zoo is unstoppable... And more deck slots. -
"Pretty sure that it will be there before BlizzCon." - Neo Lee