One World - One Voice for Climate Change - you can sign the Video..KEWL
Steve is @ world innovation summit in Tel Aviv. Ray Kurzweil will keynote " reverse engineering the human brain -when minds and machines become one".
Steve is @ Aubrey de Grey's SENS4 conference in Cambridge. KEWL people , fantastic conversations.
Molecular implementation of simple logic programs : Abstract : Nature Nanotechnology -
For Her New Album, Imogen Heap Taps the Hive Mind -
Steve is at TedGlobal - day 2. As always.... Fantastic.
WeFi - Find free Wi-Fi anywhere, Friends everywhere! -
currently a download client for your netbook / laptop - soon to have an Iphone app. Amazingly, this start-up has logged 26,000,000 Hotspots around the world. the client "harvests" in the background. - SnakeDoc
Neat. My cellphone already has that built-in, with indicators between free and paid wi-fi. I can search by best match, closest, or best rating (5-stars). - Anika
Steve is having drinks at a great rooftop bar in Tel Aviv.... "Suzanna on the roof"...KEWL place.
Is delving this weekend into Top Down Cosmology. Here is a new set of instructions for building a universe. Step 1 - look around you. Step 2 - find the set of all possible histories that end up as a universe like the one you see. Step 3 - add them together and create a history for yourself. The Mind Boggling item here is that Time plays no part in...
A Twitter group for Tedsters. U know who U are..... Visit to join.
A Twitter group for Tedsters. U know who U are..... Visit to join
Africa alone could feed the world -
"Some 1.6 billion hectares could be added to the current 1.4 billion hectares of crop land in the world, and over half of the additionally available land is found in Africa and Latin America," - SnakeDoc
Scientists create first electronic quantum processor -
"The two-qubit superconducting chip ran elementary algorithms, such as a simple search, demonstrating quantum information processing with a solid-state device for the first time" - SnakeDoc
EDGE-292 THE PHYSICS THAT WE KNOW - A Conversation with Gavin Schmidt -
"There is a simple way to produce a perfect model of our climate that will predict the weather with 100% accuracy. First, start with a universe that is exactly like ours; then wait 13 billion years." - SnakeDoc
The #tedsters twibe needs some viral juice for lift-off...spread the word.... to join..U know who U are.....
The #tedsters twibe needs some viral juice for lift-off...spread the word.... to join..U know who U are.....
@soccapital the #tedsters twibe needs some viral juice for critical mass lift-off...spread the word.... to join
Just started a Twibe for Tedsters. U know who U are..... Visit to join.
Just started a Twibe for Tedsters. U know who U are..... Visit to join.
At #thinknext - Microsoft Israel R&D Center annual event. Ray Ozzie will keynote.
At #thinknext - Microsoft Israel R&D Center annual event. Ray Ozzie will keynote
@davewiner I was there about 2 months ago...fab place...Henry Moore at the entrance. across the street there is a nice very Dane resto...
Finding a fair price for free knowledge - When technology makes knowledge globally available, reshaping the economics of buying and selling it becomes crucial -
Digital currency is the future of capitalism? this post makes you think... - Mark Harai
RAND | Monographs | Social Science for Counterterrorism: Putting the Pieces Together -
Another interesting monograph from The Rand Corporation. provides some detailed insight into one of the worlds biggest problems. - SnakeDoc
RAND | Monographs | Dangerous But Not Omnipotent: Exploring the Reach and Limitations of Iranian Power in the Middle East -
an in depth analysis pre dating the current situation in Iran - but still very illuminating. a full PDF is available - SnakeDoc
Einstein said that any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves. I wonder who the girl was and what kind of car he was driving. anybody knows ?
if you want to impress your friends U can drop these terms during happy hour - Dark flow, net motion of galaxy clusters, cosmic microwave background radiation, Kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect, no-longer-visible regions of the universe prior to inflation, particle horizon, past light cone. On the serious side - this is an intriguing phenomena. - SnakeDoc
Depends on what kind of friends you have. Mine would slowly walk away if I started talking like that :P - LANjackal
@badbanana trying out were No.1 on their list
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Are you using @MrTweet yet? Besides recommending you to relevant folks, he also helps you discover them as well!