warning: crash test area - http://www.flickr.com/photos...
The Small Hadron Collider. - Kevin Fox
Small Fixie Collider - Big Joe Silenced
beautiful lighting! - Rachel Lea Fox
Thanks! Through thick glass and water even. The fish never quite turn out, but I was very happy with this one. - Seth
Yo Mama Jokes from Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - http://www.smbc-comics.com/index...
A first look at AC Transit - http://www.flickr.com/photos...
A day of Muni, according to NextBus - http://www.flickr.com/photos...
Amazing shots! - Rachel Lea Fox
Thanks! They *might* be in the next issue of Juggle magazine. - Seth
This is a map of graffiti complaints in San Francisco over the past 90 days. I kind of want to make a stencil and paint it on the sidewalk in one of the dark areas. - Seth
sethoscope: heatmap tool - http://www.sethoscope.net/heatmap...
I've been tinkering with some heatmap plotting code and am finally releasing both the code and some examples. It makes videos too, and there's one on that page. - Seth
Awesome! - Kevin Fox
Yay! - Simon
Frazz on revenge & ice cream - http://comics.com/frazz...
On being best served cold: "It means revenge like ice cream: appealing at first, but then a burden that has to be carried long after the satisfaction fades." - Seth
I have regular non-zombification poison oak, and my flesh is not falling off to reveal my bones, but last night I dreamt I had the other kind.
Spent all week dealing with a virus. Security tip: don't run programs you find in your nose.
Nice article about David Cope's music composition software: http://www.miller-mccune.com/culture...