
I have many interests and I'm always interested in learning about new things. I am a news junkie. Technology fascinates me.
Re: Little Pork Chop coming back -
"I have found Little Pork Chop a great way tweet up a storm!" - Paul
"First off, go with Trent, he just looks like a real person and his looks appear more natural. The others look like they are trying to hard to be good looking. As far as choice of fantasy, go with the fantasy you think you'd have the hardest time convincing someone you were seeing to go along with (you'll get more bang for you buck! Pun intended)." - Paul
Re: US Economists Warn The Fed Is Setting Us Up For Deflation - International Business Times -
"And they all lived happily ever after! Oh wait that's not what really happen. There's an old saying that says that if you want a happy ending it depends on where you end the the story. And that's true about MORAN ZHANG story. Mr. Zhang ends the story in 1923. Does anybody know what happened six years later? That's right kiddies the beginning of what we call today "The Great Depression." Why because Harding, Coolidge, Hoover and the Fed did exactly what MORAN ZHANG so aptly described they sat on their hands!" - Paul
I know this is stating the obvious, BUT IT'S COLD OUT!!!
It figures, the first snow fall after I get a snowblower and the accumulation isn't significant enough for me to use it.
Dragging my butt after a very busy day, yesterday. The only plan today is to sit back and enjoy the football games.
Guy Mitchell - Singing The Blues (Live!) -
"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment." Will Rogers
@davidfrum If our elected officials and members of the media need to sign a civility pledge then they shouldn't b in the positions their in
OK, I'm tired of winter can we fast forward to summer!
More snow is expected and my back has already started hurting me.
I have a feeling this is going to be a very rough week.....
Apparently my ability to compose a grammatically correct sentence has also escaped me.
Sinus are really playing havoc with me. My mood and patience is really in bad shape as a result.
German takes an interesting position on Irish, Greek and Portuguese debt.
The odds of me getting into a good mood today seems very unlikely.
Heading out to run some errands and maybe have lunch while I'm out.
You know the saying: "someday my ship will come in." I'm beginning to think mine sunk.
Lately I have felt like the fly and not the windshield.......
Nation's Unemployment Outlook Improves Drastically After Fifth Beer
Your Horoscopes - Week Of October 26, 2010
What's In A Wave? How A Big GOP Midterm Win Really Looks
Earth-Like Planets May Be Dime a Dozen
Right-Wingers Using Public Employees as 21st-Century Welfare Queens
5 Constitutional Amendments That Constitution-Loving Tea Partiers Would Change
NPR Staffing Decision 2010 - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 10/25/2010 - Video Clip | Comedy Central
Time to get ready for some football!