RT @expa: The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do. - Michael Porter
No @Uber_SF in Portland. Line of four outside Westin because there are no cabs avail. Forgot how broken things are. Prob will miss flight.
No @uber in Portland period. Cab said they would be here in 5-30 min but are really busy and might not show at all. I need my limbs back!
Tried to check in on @foursquare. Forced Swarm download. So much for foursquare. It's been great.
RT @HistoricalPics: Enzo Ferrari, founder of Ferrari (on the left) died in 1988. Mesut Özil, footballer (on the right) was born in 1988. https://twitter.com/Histori...
Three triples!!! Wtf! #puig
TSA pre-check. So easy it's confusing. TSA agents: so stupid they can screw it up.
RT @Medium: “Are Stanford Students Just Excellent Sheep?” —@robreich https://t.co/GeZZxY909N
RT @FiveThirtyEight: Failing to understand Billy Beane’s true value may have cost the @RedSox hundreds of millions of dollars or more. http://fivethirtyeight.com/feature...
Loving @timehop app
Red Sox are mashing, 5.5 games back, winning 8 of last 9. Oh wait did I say Red Sox? I meant THE CHAMPIONS.
RT @airows: Nike’s New Derek Jeter Commercial = Incredibly Awesome http://airows.com/nikes-n... https://twitter.com/airows...
RT @AIexMoran: Plot twist: Johnny Manziel and Lebron move in together and remake Rob and Big
8% battery. No car chargers. Camping. Cannot die fast enough. About to start downloading movies.
Lebron's "Miami for me was like college for other kids" was a great metaphor. Really impressed with his essay, esp compared to "Decision"
RT @NoahShachtman: All zero Miami Heat fans must be crushed.
RT @BradWarga: Building a more diverse workforce through software http://recode.net/2014... via @ahess247
Fillmore street jazz festival is one of the best things about life in San Francisco. 30 years and still going. Don't change a thing.
At hipster bar in the Mission. Everyone is freaking out to Spin Doctors "Two Princes". I'm still sick of this song.
At a hipster bar in the Mission. Everyone is freaking out to Spin Doctors "Two princes". I can't.
RT @GeorgeTakei: From a friend. I see his point. https://twitter.com/GeorgeT...
RT @repjohnlewis: If the Civil Rights Act was before the Congress today, it would not pass, it would probably never make it to the floor for a vote.
RT @incakolanews: Dear #USA Relax, the World Cup is in fact only a Facebook experiment. $FB
Just had a bunch of meetings cancel unexpectedly. Anyone up for a late lunch outside somewhere? Office is dead for some reason...
RT @mattworby: @BryanPower Mauricio Pinilla gets a tattoo of his last minute shot vs Brazil which hit the cross-bar #WorldCup https://twitter.com/insidew..."
This World Cup has been totally unbelievable. What a win by Costa Rica.