RT @thereaIbanksy: Don't criticize what you don't understand.
RT @KatieBaynes: 10,000+ businesses have accepted more than $50 million in Square Capital. Read more here: https://t.co/Y32EQEKuxm
Going home to watch Braveheart. Disappointed in you, Scotts!!!
RT @thefriley: Together, Square Sellers Are the 13th Largest Retailer in the Country - The Official Square Blog: Town Square https://blog.squareup.com/townsqu...
RT @AmnestyNZ: The situation in #Ferguson has prompted us to send human rights teams. First time we've deployed inside the US. http://www.buzzfeed.com/chrisge...
RT @thefriley: @GirlsWhoCode celebrating their graduation @Square with@jack and @vslavich congrats! https://twitter.com/thefril...
RT @thedailybeast: The White House is set to partially reverse a ban on registered lobbyists serving in government http://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats... GREAT.
RT @felixsalmon: After a mere 84 years, a woman has finally won the Fields medal http://www.bbc.com/news...
RT @HistoryInPix: Sailors bound for Manhattan, 1941 https://twitter.com/History...
RT @jack: The Square leadership team: over half the company is led and run by just 3 women. I'm proud of the men, too. https://twitter.com/jack...
Mork and Mindy on huluplus taking me down right now.
RT @BostonTweet: A memorial for Robin Williams at the "Good Will Hunting" bench in the Boston Public Garden. (pic @rabbitnutz) https://twitter.com/BostonT...
It's not your fault. #RIPRobinWilliams
RT @HistoricalPics: Comedian and Actor Robin Williams has died at age 63. Very sad news. RIP. https://twitter.com/Histori...
Sox Angels going to 18th...
RT @SI_PeterKing: Pedroia rocks.
RT @mmfa: How Fox frames an immigration story for two different audiences: https://twitter.com/mmfa...
RT @ScannerSays: OH: “Kanye’s over” “Thank god” #outsidelands
Can hear the Beyoncé concert from my apartment. Through the windows. I don't live that close.
RT @megbeaudet: Trying @TryCaviar for the first time after the @Square news. It's about time someone delivered @LittleStarPizza! Yum https://twitter.com/megbeau...
RT @Square: With @TryCaviar, we’re making delivery easy for your favorite restaurants! Take it for a spin: https://www.trycaviar.com/ https://twitter.com/Square...
RT @sama: overheard from young hacker: "i'd never go to business school. that counts against you for everything i care about."
Marin (metric) Century! https://t.co/fu4xtITBUf
RT @magee9: Paul George 🙏
Love Cespedes but Lester in pinstripes is going to hurt. Imagining Cashman quoting Redford in Indecent Proposal in Jan...
RT @Square: EMV is coming. We’ve got all the info to get your business prepped: https://blog.squareup.com/townsqu... https://twitter.com/Square...
RT @Techmeme: Square prepares new reader with support for forthcoming cards with embedded computer chips http://www.wired.com/2014... http://www.techmeme.com/140730...
RT @ezraklein: Fist bumps transfer 90% fewer bacteria than hand shakes: http://www.vox.com/2014...
RT @expa: The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do. - Michael Porter
No @Uber_SF in Portland. Line of four outside Westin because there are no cabs avail. Forgot how broken things are. Prob will miss flight.