James Rishabh Mishra

A Linux-loving computer programmer. Email: [email protected] Blog: http://codingexperiments.com
Wget is a deceptively powerful tool. Read its manpage.
The worst thing that can happen while trying to restore Internet to a computer: an unrelated failure on the ISP's end.
For the first time in many years, I have heard an ice cream truck.
"Good artists copy. Great artists steal." -- Rishabh Mishra. Guess who I stole that quote from..
Sometimes, in the dark, when I'm alone, I think, "Correlation DOES imply causation!"
Computers with six gigabytes of RAM are sure a lot cheaper than they used to be...
If anybody says that you do not need to show up at an airport two hours early for a flight, THEN SMACK THEM. THEY SPEAK LIES.
Depends on the airport. That statement is usually true for PDX. - Scoble, Alex Scoble
I think a variation of Murphy's Law applies here, where you only need two hours if you do not have them. - James Rishabh Mishra
Things I hate: Traveling to a distant nation, only then realizing that your phone is still SIM-locked.
I'm probably not the first to notice, but I like that even @google uses GApps for their domain: https://www.google.com/a...
Hey, at least Steve Jobs didn't spill any oil.
Well played - Scoble, Alex Scoble
Or make any brake pedals stick - Johnny
Actually, there was two recalls. The gas pedal and for the brake software on the Prius. Accelerating is bad (turn the car off)... Not being able to stop seems worse - Johnny
Oppenheimer: The Man Behind the Bomb -- A "Countdown to Zero" Exclusive - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
One out of ten web designers will not physically survive testing their webpages for cross-browser compatibility. It's a dangerous world.
ATTENTION WEB DESIGNERS. Although you may consider border-radius to be a gift from the heavens, rounded corners are now overrated.
If used carefully, they're great. If over-used, then they're tacky. - i80and
I am genuinely amused by the person that bought an ad space on Reddit just to rickroll me.
I hear the iPhone 5 will have a built-in telephone jack, plus three miles of phone wire, to compensate for poor reception and AT&T.
It appears that the BZFlag servers are down at the moment, and http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/bzflag... confirms it.
All of my nontechnical friends recommend GoDaddy to me.
After spending time at Verizon and T-Mo stores, I conclude that the G1 is the only Android phone with a not-useless hardware keyboard.
Lately I've been texting my boss more than making phone calls. The importance of a decent keyboard has hit home. It will be the top requirement on my next phone. - Jack&Cleo
Yeah, I imagine soft keyboards on the new, huge Android phones are going to be better, but--to me at least--hardware keyboards will always *feel* better. Perhaps the Droid 2 will be better. - James Rishabh Mishra
The keyboard on the Samsung Moment is pretty good, except for the spacebar...it's much too small - Scoble, Alex Scoble
You know, I wish there was an Android SFTP app as good as Connectbot is for SSH. AndFTP comes close...
The frustrating thing about SIM cards is that they can go bad. And only when you need them the most.
I'm thinking about only friending people on Facebook if they have extremely strong passwords.
I will only be your friend if I can't hack your account. - Kevin Johnson
Would you rather buy a DRM-locked book, or the paper equivalent? @vark
When aliens attack, make sure you are in the care of a hardcore environmentalist. They know how to fight... invasive species.
Vegetarians, from the other point of view! - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
World's Most Generic News Report | Charlie Brooker - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
The BP hate got out of hand some time ago. Many things were done wrong, but Tony Hayward is not Osama.
I don't blame BP any more than any other big company. They make mistakes too; BP was just unlucky to have this blow up especially spectacularly. Note that I do expect BP to pay for every cent required for cleanup. - i80and
The official Twitter app is good looking, but doesn't look extremely configurable. It is probably the easiest to use, though
I put this article about PUT/POST and then posted it to Twitter http://jcalcote.wordpress.com/2008...
I am rebelling against Python PEP 8. All of my Python code from now will be indented in increments of 2.3 spaces.